Sunday, October 27, 2013

October Thanks

This week it is (again) easy to give THANKS. That is capital letter thanks, mind you. It's been a very busy week let alone weekend.

10. My friend R answered my call, well text, this week. David was supposed to race with me this weekend. However he had some excuse called work. I have never raced alone so I asked R to go with me. And she did! We had a great day together.

9. "R" accomplished her goal of finishing a 5K in under 30 minutes! She wasn't expecting to do it today.  Woo Hoo I was so glad to see her smile as she crossed that finish line. '

8. After the race I convinced "R" to go to attended the free after race celebration. We had a great hour just chatting.

7. The family was a plus 4 to another friend's Halloween party invitation. It was a costume party and I am not quite sure who had more fun, the adults or the children.

6. We all wore costumes, even Boo. She was the child in PJ's who should have been in bed. Also known as the one kid whose mother was smart enough not to attempt a costume that she would have to put into a car seat.

5. Boo showed everyone how to twerk.

(apologies, still haven't figured out how to import videos from my phone. To see Boo twerking visit her Facebook page!)

4. We had a great time at Allie's school Halloween celebration. 

3. My mother-in-law watched the girls so R and I could do the 5k. 

2. Crafty Auntie K did the pumpkin carving with Allie and Boo so I didn't have to ruin another Halloween.

1. The true heroes of the world showed us the true meaning of bravery and what it means to ROAR. Thanks to the children, parents and staff of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital Medical Center in Lebanon, NH for making my week.

Now it's your turn. Tell me what you are thankful for this week.  After looking at those kids out rock Katy Perry I am sure you can think of just one thing this week to be thankful!

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. Sounds like a great time- going to check out the twerking now!

  2. doing the Halloween thing properly, sounds (and looks) like! nice.

    the 'Joy of Running' is still something that totally eludes me…lol

  3. Love the twerking! Wish everyone's twerking moves were as cute as Boo's!

  4. Boo puts that weirdo (what's her name again??? ummmm OH) miley to shame. LOVE that girl!!! I saw Allie on FB too and they rocked it as well. :)

  5. If you get the YouTube Capture app on your phone you can use that to upload to your channel.

  6. Love the video. Gave me goosebumps! Also loved that Bo twerks!

  7. Boo's dancing was just too damn cute! Loved it! (Well, all except the music, lol. Have heard it way too much in the last couple of months!) Sounds like your running is going great. Keep it up! It's a great release of tension. Going to sign up for your email notifications again. Still not receiving them. Good post!

  8. Love the video of Boo! She is just adorable! <3 Also: you look really gorgeous in your costume!

    I am impressed with you often you are running 5K's lately! Kudos to you for that! I am too lazy (and I hate running...).

  9. That Roar video makes me tear up and smile simultaneously every single time I watch it.
    There is nothing like watching a little one get her groove going on the dance floor. Love it.
    Sounds like your family is having loads of fun getting in the Halloween spirit.
    Go you, running all these 5ks!

  10. I love all your Halloween costumes -- especially your explanation of Boo's. Your girls are both adorable and clearly take after their mama!!

  11. Good job on the run! Your time must have been awesome, too, since you saw your friend's face as she crossed the finish line.

  12. You guys look great in your costumes!


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