Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm on an island with some cool celebrities.

10 Celebrities I would like to be stuck on a deserted island with:

1. Cody Lundin from Dual Survival. Let's face it, the man can make fire and water anywhere. He will also make sure that my next celebrity has enough ingredients to keep me fed.

2. Curtis Stone. (Enough said, right?)

3. Miley Cyrus. I am thinking we can call it a Desert Island Intervention. She cannot get rescued off the island until she remembers the Hannah Montana that made her famous and allowed her to twerk.

4. Dana @kissmylist she would help with the Intervention of Miley and would ogle Curtis with me.

5. Robin Williams because who cannot have fun on a island with Mork?

6. Carole King, she could not only teach Miley how to sing but wouldn't the campfire (built by Cody) songs be great?

7. Jose Cuervo, hello Margarita

8. Ty Pennington to make a rocking hut

9. Mark Wahlberg, just for the eye candy.

10. God. I think it would be great to be on a island with God, sipping a margarita pointing at Miley and ask:

What the heck were you thinking when you invented the twerk?

Now it's your are on a deserted island tell me what celebrity would be stranded with you?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Licensed to Chill

I had a hard time with this mix-tape. Probably why it took me until Thursday to actually make my DJ list. Let's face it. I do not "chill". I don't know when the last time I just sat and relaxed. I am always worrying, moving, planning, plotting my next moment. Yeah I have issues.

So I have Jessica to thank, since she sparked my theme for the week. And then I thought....dumb ass of course IF you are going to relax and chill it would have to be with a Margarita and the master of Chill. Right?

Every time I hear this song, I think to myself I am going to find that Harbor dammit. I mean really find that Harbor and float.

I think of this song every year on my birthday. It makes me think, yes another year has gone by and it was quite awesome to have not only survived it but enjoyed it.

Alright, I admit a Volcano is not relaxing. Bear with me, it is kind of fun. Especially when he was live at Fenway and explained that it was best to land on Yawkey Way.

I always loved this song because I always wanted to shake the hand of a mango man. And I am never sure where it all ends my friends....

The last verse in this song brings it all home to me: Some of it's tragic, some of it's magic but I've had a good life all the same. Who cannot relax with that going through their mind? But if you still need a little something to help you relax, may I recommend:

Well, come on now, who cannot relax with a Margarita in her hand? And, yes I know that ending was kind of predicable. But not this ending, Jen. I followed the freaking rules for once :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I will gladly stand in line....

Like many moms of a child with special needs I am a little worried about the changes Disney is having to make to their Guest Assistance Card policy. Here's the thing though...I am not upset with Disney.

I'm upset with those who take advantage of a Company's good will. How dare anyone make life more difficult for those who already struggle. To add insult to injury, there are those who state that our children "cut in line".

Really? Hmm...I will gladly stand in line for a ride and have done so before and with Boo. So here is the deal I propose:

How about if Boo stands in line and you stand in her therapy appointment?

How about if Boo stands in line and you clear her airway when she chokes on her drool?

How about if Boo stands in line and you hold her on your hip because she is too week to stand on her own?

How about if Boo stands in line and you hold her down while she undergoes blood work, cardiac testing, MRI's and other medical tortures?
How about if Boo stands in line and you spend some time in Our Land?

How about if Boo stands in line and you do not look at her with condemnation because she cannot control her squeals, muscle spasms and vocalizations when she invades your personal space?

When we traveled there last year I was amazed at how well they took our daughter's needs into consideration. Each cast member was trained how to treat all patrons with respect and courtesy. We never expected to "cut in line" in front of those who stood in line, but needed to keep Boo in her stroller/chair until the last possible moment.

Just to be clear, in our experience the only "cutting" in line was when there was no feasible way to get Boo's stroller/chair to the ride through the normal line. We stood in line, like everyone else, in attractions that had a safe method to get her to the attraction. Even when we "cut in line" we did not immediately get on the ride. Rather Disney allowed people who had been waiting to enter the ride and put us on in a reasonable (to me) manner.

When asked if Boo has so many 'issues' why would we even consider taking her to a theme park I have the following response: Well, for one, her sister shouldn't miss out on life events because her sister needs some consideration. And two there is this....

Why shouldn't Boo get to see the Magic of Disney just because she is unable to stand in line?

I agree there is abuse, like all great plans some fool has to mess it up. But it is not Disney's fault. The Company really has no option to try and improve on their system. I applaud them for being proactive and for listening to the parents like me.
And I hope those who ruined this beautiful experience lose sleep tonight. 


Monday, September 23, 2013

Remembering the parent

I've been really hesitant to write this post. First, I hate to jump on a bandwagon. I also hate being late to a party, even a pity one. Mostly, though, I do not ever want to come across as ungrateful or one that complains.

Truthfully, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. I am beyond lucky. I acknowledge that my situation is as wonderful as it is rare. I have a terrific village who supports my sanity. When life gets overwhelming I have some one within a text, an e-mail, a call or a walk to lean on. I get date nights with my husband and girls night in.

Not everyone is this lucky. They are isolated. They stay at home with their child, change how they go to Worship, do not attend family events, cannot find a babysitter and not even think about getting a pedicure. Moms like Kelli try to do everything right. They think that it is less disruptive for their child to stay home. They feel family gatherings are too hard to keep everything together and peaceful.

I do not know Kelli and only know about her circumstance from Julie, Jill and Kristi's blogs. But I do know that not every child is like Boo. Some children with special needs are violent. They hurt themselves and those who love them the most.

When Kelli tried to kill herself and her daughter there was a lot of condemnation.  People have a difficult time understanding suicide. Let alone a mom who tries to harm her child.

The sad truth is, Kelli is not the only one out there. Statistically children in the US with special needs account for almost 10% of those who are abused. And they are abused by their caregivers. This is not just the US. World-wide disabled children are harmed more often than typical.

This is just supposition on my part, but I believe the abuse and the killings and the suicides happen because the parent has little or no support. We are very lucky where we live. Our Boo has a terrific school, afterschool therapies and if she was autistic we would be eligible for in-home support. But those therapists and teachers deal with our children hitting, spitting and hurting them. Yet they love our kids. They want our children to succeed.

Parents and caregivers are becoming the walking wounded, suffering from post-traumatic stress of living and working with a child who punches, kicks, sets fire to the house and destroys relationships. We love our children. We hate what their disability makes them do.

There is a difference.

There is also a reason why persons who work with children and adults with special needs have an extremely high burnout rate.

While our children in the US have a tremendous amount of government support available (if you know where to ask) for them, there is zero support for the caregiver. I am not talking about financial. I am talking about emotional support. That shoulder that you need to lean on.

Since I have that support I know full well what those of you without it must be feeling. Know that you are not alone but you have to let us know you need it. My friends know because I go to them. I break with Boo's therapists and vent to her aides. Sure a few will reach out, but the responsibility is mine to say I cannot do it on my own.

So I implore you, the Kelli's out there, to know you are not alone. But you need to scream and raise the white flag.

And if you know a parent out there with a child who has special needs reach out. Stop by their house tonight with a pizza and a bottle of wine. Stop by and check in on them. Keep inviting them to events, even if they have to say no. Remember that e-mail is great, but you can hide there. Call, speak to them. Make sure they know you are available to listen without judgment.

Let what happened to Kelli be a lesson to all of us to reach out before there is no one there to catch.


Friday, September 20, 2013

I should be a Gold Medalist

I deserve a medal for the time I didn't kill David when he told me he was taking me to the theater. I got dressed up. And I mean dressed up. Short skirt, thigh-high nylons, high heels and did my hair.

I looked like a tramp. But we were still in the dating, I want him to love me phase of the relationship. Okay, I probably didn't look like a tramp. But if Allie ever wore that outfit I would lock her in the attic.

Off we drove to Boston. Dinner at Legal Seafoods. I was feeling great and he takes me to the theater.

The Omni Theater.

At the Museum of Science.

To see Everest (wicked cool).

Attended by a bunch of kids on some type of boy scout field trip/sleep over (not so cool).

The fact that I did not need bail money proves I deserve some type of medal.

I will take Olympic Gold please.

How would you finish this sentence? I deserve a medal for the time I.....

Finish the Sentence Friday

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I admit to being competitive

I never realized how competitive I was until recently. I never seem to be happy with where I am. I always want more. Not necessarily more than others, but more of myself. I clean the house, I want it cleaner (I almost maimed Allie for using the bathroom after I had it company clean).

I began running and it wasn't enough to do a mile. Oh no, I had to do a 5k. That goal was accomplished but not well, so I signed up for more and more. I signed up David, too but didn't tell him.

Why? Because I wanted to win. It wasn't enough that I didn't come in last (my first goal) but I want to beat him. The man who doesn't train but is in naturally great shape. My next goal was to run 5 miles by October.

Last weekend I finally did it. Five FREAKING holy crap miles and it didn't hurt. When I finished did I feel a sense of accomplishment? Nope, I set myself up to do 7 miles by the end of November. Next thing you know I will talk myself into setting a goal for a half-marathon.

What the heck is wrong with me? I mean seriously who needs to run 7 miles unless they are being chased by a serial killer.

Setting goals is supposed to get you to accomplish something, not become an obsession. I would write more but I have to get running....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Journey

Yesterday while waiting for Boo in therapy there was a little boy who was walking around, in his own world and knocking on the walls. He was beautiful. It occurred to me at that exact moment that if I didn't have Boo in my life I might not have noticed how absolutely beautiful.

I would have looked away.

I would have thought to myself what is wrong with that boy?

I would think, yuck look at that drool.

I would not have spoken to his mom, thinking I was sparing her embarrassment.

I would have been wrong and heartless and selfish. Because I would have thought to myself thank God Allie is 'normal'.

Thankfully, I have Boo.

So I saw the beauty in the way the little boy comforted himself by knocking on the wall. I looked into his eyes and saw the light shining inside. I recognized his drool and realized it was because he was concentrating so hard. I spoke to his mom, asked how old he was, what school did he go to.

I made small talk.

Not about her son being in different, but how he was the same.

In that moment I was thankful that Boo had made me a mom with special needs.

I remember when I was pregnant and told that due to my "advanced" age my baby was at higher risk for birth defects (hate that word now), Down syndrome and a host of other scary things.

I opted for just the blood test and told God I could handle Down syndrome. But nothing scarier. Why Down syndrome? Not because I knew a lot of about it, but because children and adults with Down syndrome were the least scariest to me. I saw them in the playground, the market, in my life. "It" seemed manageable.

By the way, I realize how arrogant and condescending that sounds. Bear with me.

When the geriatric tests came back negative, I was relieved and moved on with my pregnancy. Then Boo was born and I learned that it doesn't matter what your child was born with, a trip to the NICU is beyond scary. At that time I thought it was the scariest thing I would ever go through. Boy was I wrong.

It is also enlightening.

Being Boo's mom has opened my eyes and my heart. I am a better person because I am a card carrying citizen of Our Land. When I see a child (or adult) not acting typical, I do not jump to the conclusion that the child needs discipline. When I see a parent at the end of their rope in the grocery store, I reach out to them.
I learned that by never hiding Boo's light I am opening our family and friend's hearts to others in the community. Most of them have now banished the word retard. They are teaching their children to do the same.

My friendships are now more meaningful and important. I have become more vocal and more of an advocate. I have gained friends that I would never have come into contact. I have become more outgoing and outspoken. I certainly wouldn't have begun blogging. Blogging opened up a whole new world of laughter and support.

All because of Boo.

Do I have moments when I wish that Boo had been born "typical" or with what I thought I could handle? Sometimes, but only because then I would have a tour guide who would know what path to take.

Yet I wouldn't trade this undiagnosed journey for the world.


Friday, September 13, 2013

End of summer

This is, by far, the easiest post I have ever written. Boo has struggled since her first year to overcome sensory issues. She doesn't have a severe disorder that impacts our daily life. Jen Kehl can tell you more about that.

We are not alone in our navigating how to expose Boo to the sensory input she needs while balancing her innate fear. If you are a visitor in Our Land you will see a lot of other examples of having a child that is afraid of hair.

Boo doesn't so much suffer from her sensory issues. It is more like she avoids them and it is easy to do so. For example, snow. We do not have a lot of it, well except when Nemo killed our February vacation. Grass? That was the best defense against Boo's bolting. I really was kind of upset when she overcame that fear. 

Boo still has issues with a lot of sensory input. Be it noise, texture, smell or sand. Boo despises getting her hair brushed, as one example. She has a paralyzing reaction to sand. You can feel her heart racing, she whimpers low in her throat like a cornered animal. With a lot of therapy during and after school, Boo worked really hard to overcome her fear.

The difficult part of this is that Boo doesn't realize she is afraid. She doesn't have that comprehension. She only knows that she "no like". But we live surrounded by the beach. This was one fear, unlike snow, that she had to overcome.

Selfishly the rest of the family really enjoys the beach. In truth, we kind of forced her to like it. The first few attempts were horrid. But we persevered. Every time we got to the beach she would whimper. We forced her out of the Jeep a couple of times over the summer. She would sit on my lap, but eventually (sometimes it took hours) she would stand on the sand. We kept it easy for her, always in her sneakers. Never forcing her to do more than she could.

And then, my friends, Boo danced. 

This is how I finish the sentence, My best summertime memory this year was Boo dancing on the beach.


(Gosh I hope the video works) 

Now tell me, what was your best summertime memory this year?

Finish the Sentence Friday

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why I want to be an Idol

I'm very nervous. I know you are thinking Kerri you have a blog of course you want exposure! But Blogger Idol? First I am not sure I am very qualified. So why am I auditioning for Blogger Idol?

Quite simply, I don't like doing things that are not worthwhile. Also I am a fierce competitor. Just ask any of my Words With Friends opponents.

But more than that, I want to have my blog be the best it can be. By participating in Blogger Idol I will receive peer feedback. Not just a great post, Kerri. But a true critique of where I can improve, maybe a better way to get my message across and honestly there are some prizes.

Also I will get some exposure. Quite frankly I don't want the exposure just to have more followers. I want to interact with parents, both those with special children and those with typical.

Here is an example, last week I was in tears when I wrote "Red" about Allie my typical child. I was in tears when I wrote about wondering if I was making Boo more handicapped than she is. I received such a response from people that in both cases, they navigate the same waters with their children. Both typical and not so typical.

That is the type of follower I am craving. One that gets life with Boo and Allie.

Then there are the prizes. Hello, prizes! Design, blog management, pintrest (what the heck is Pintrest? I am sure crafty Auntie K knows), Pic Monkey, Baconery (David will love that one) and Amazon. Hello Amazon! Kindle I can start paying for books again. Although Boo will probably request a musical.

I am warning all of you now, I will be a beggar. I want the critique. I want the prizes. But more I want to meet moms like me. Ones who don't know what the heck they are doing but trying their best.

So pretty please, vote for me. Vote often.

How can you help? On Facebook go to and tell them that Undiagnosed But Okay has to be a contender. Also follow me on Twitter @undiangosedbut and retweet my submission.

I warned you I would grovel!

Boys are still gross, thank goodness

Going into the file of things I never expected to be asked by my daughter....

Allie: What's a hickey?
Me: What? (almost driving off the road, I think I may have killed a butterfly)
Allie: In Boo's movie, the guy says a Hickey from Kinicki. What's a hickey?
Me (stall, stall, stall finally tell the truth): Well, you know those bruises on Rizzo's neck? Um, well they are from Kinicki kissing her.
Allie: Another reason I am never dating boys.

One last thing on this beautiful Wednesday. I have taken the plunge and am auditioning for Blogger Idol 2013. Expect a lot of groveling for votes! The perk of auditioning is that not only will my blog receive a lot of exposure, but I will receive creative and constructive criticism from the judges. So be sure to vote and vote often!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never forget

Twelve years ago today we got a wake-up call. We knew our husbands/wives and sons/daughters had a job that put them in jeopardy. We also knew that we would never make them turn away from their passion.

When I married David I knew that I would be a mistress to his first love, the Fire Department. I envied him his passion for his job. I never really worried about him, although believe me he has given me reason!

Then 9/11 happened. We were engaged and although we are far from NYC he didn't come home from the station for three days. His brother was deployed from here to go as part of the search and rescue.

I remember that night, looking at the footage and knowing that in a too short span of time we would forget our anguish of that moment. We wouldn't forget, but we would not have the same camaraderie with strangers at that moment.

The moment when the Towers fell, the ground shook in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon burned.

And at that moment I swore I would never forget that I saw people dying on live TV. But I did. I promised to myself this would not be our Pearl Harbor, only celebrated by the Veterans and those directly affected. But we did.

We moved on with our lives. The footage no longer taking our breaths away or makes us hold a strangers hand in an elevator. We became more suspicious, less gracious. In our house, though, we have not forgotten.

I admit that is probably due to David's job. I mean, we face 9/11 every day in some shape or form. He also joins every dangerous "team" he can. We know that he might not come home. But we distance ourselves from those thoughts.

So I too, do not have that same visceral feeling to the footage of 9/11. I don't go to every observance in town anymore. Last year it was attended by less than 25 people. My daughter doesn't even realize the significance of what happened that day. So it already has become her generation's Pearl Harbor.

For that I am saddened. Not that I want to remain angry and hurt. Instead I would rather have that same feeling of we are in this world together. We won't forget the sacrifices of those who ran into the building, who signed up for war, who lost their loved ones.

When I say never forget, it isn't that our Country was attacked. I never want to forget those who were taken too soon and those left behind.

To the widows, widowers, parents and children of those directly affected by 9/11 I want you to know that I haven't forgotten the most important victims of that day. And I apologize for only remembering you on the anniversary.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You're beautiful

Do you ever feel beautiful? Nope, me either. Jen had the best prompt this week, to make a mix-tape for those you think are beautiful. Okay, not really. The rules state: Make a mix for a friend of songs you think are beautiful. Either because they make you happy, they are musically composed in some way because they are pleasing to you  or they just plain make you think…this is beautiful. (that doesn’t always mean happy)

See, I am trying! I even put the rules right up there so you can make sure I paid attention. But then I thought it would be more fun to make a mix-tape that show my friends why they are beautiful. To make it a true mix tape, I have added both in real life and in blog life friends. Well, at this point they are all friends to me.

Added bonus, I get to drive Jen crazy.

Jen gets my first song, because she is beautiful when she gives me the rules of life. She also has the best smile and laugh ever, next to Boo. Jen is just one of those generally nice people whose beauty radiates out. Even when she is laughing at you and not with you.

Kristi gets the second song on my list. She has a smoking hot voice, probably from smoking. The song doesn't make me think of her, but the video does. Can't you just see Kristi falling into one of her drawings? She is a superhero in real life and I just know she would save the cute boy from AHA in the end!

Becky gets song number three. Becky has the most beautiful eyes. You know that friend that you don't have to see often but when you pick up the phone they are there? Becky is probably the most overextended friend I have. She is there for anyone who needs it. Be it a room, a meal or for her to volunteer in every classroom even if her child isn't in that grade.   With Becky you are never alone. And well, those sisters could rock.

Song number four on the playlist is dedicated to Boo's aides, teachers and therapists. They just radiate beauty. Each one of them shows a beautiful love, affection and determination to make Boo be the best she can be. I believe in my heart that every one of them love Boo as much as she loves them. They have given us the tools we need to be brave.

And the final song for this week's mix-tape is for Kate who not only shows the beauty of a child with a  cleft pallet but she shines a light on something most of us know nothing about. Kate not only opened her heart and her home to children most turn away from, she gives them the world. She also makes me snort my wine, but that's beside the point.

There are so many others that I think are beautiful. But my goal is to at least follow one rule, so I only picked five. Oh, and Jen? I mess up the linky tool every freaking week! But I am attempting it one more time...but if it's wrong every one can listen to the Best of tapes.

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's been a while since I gave thanks...

I know I am not alone in not taking a couple of minutes and realizing I have a least 10 things to be thankful for last week. Except I was so busy I forgot to take the time and missed the link-up. So here we go!

1. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL

2. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and likes her teacher, even if she didn't get her favorite one

3. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and has a locker that is now bedazzled

4. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and wants to join the 4th grade band

5. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and has only had homework once this week

6. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and I haven't had to fight with her to dress appropriately

7. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and she has become very clean

8. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and I got to spend a morning alone with Boo

9. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL and I now have control of my radio

10. Allie is BACK IN SCHOOL, did I mention that?

Friday, September 6, 2013


I'm joining Lisa Jo Baker in writing, unedited, for five minutes about a simple prompt. Ready, set....


I saw Red this morning. Literally saw red all over Allie's indecision on what to wear to school his morning. Remember I said I now I have a tween? Well I seem to have one who was overtired and couldn't make up her mind. All over a sweater.

First she didn't like how it felt. That wasn't good enough for me. See, she just HAD TO HAVE this Selena Gomez designed shirt. In the store I made her feel it since she is the pickiest dresser ever created. Everything has to be just so, the right texture, color, etc... This morning she puts the sweater on and freaks because it is "too tight" and "feels funny". Nope, you are wearing it I say. She starts complaining, I grab the sweater take it off her and threaten to give it to someone who deserves it.

Yes, I became a mad woman. A horrible mom, one who fell to a nine-year old's level.

The shirt goes back on because now she wants to wear it. And this went on for 40 minutes. I do, I don't, I don't know. All the way to the bus stop.

She is crying. I have a stomach ache. We have upset Boo with our screaming match. We hear the bus and she looked at me and asked do I think her friends can tell she has been crying? I say no, give her a kiss and send her on the bus.

I sent my daughter, the one who makes me laugh minute by minute to school knowing I was upset with her. Instead of being Carole Brady I was a lunatic.

I saw red this morning and I am not proud of myself.


Five Minute Friday

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bippidity Boppity Boo

If I had a magic wand I would wave it and take away my doubts. Tonight during Allie's riding lesson I was pushing Boo around in her chair. We strolled around the barn and fields as Allie got her horse ready and I watched another little girl get her horse. She was small and just a little older than Boo and I began to wonder.

Am I making Boo more handicapped than she is?

Don't misunderstand me. Boo is definitely intellectually delayed. Physically she has the coordination of a 2-3YO. Boo works really hard at being Boo. But as I watched her in her chair I began to doubt myself. I worried that I was the reason she is delayed.

Quite simply, the chair is easier for me. Out of the chair she tries to get into the horse's paddock, the practice ring and ewww the horse manure. Fifteen minutes into Allie's lesson and Boo will be asking to be picked up. Then down again. Then up.

So I take the lazy way out and put her in the chair. I wheel her around visiting the horses and watching the different lessons. I am not teaching Boo boundaries and respectable behavior. I am not holding her to the same standard I would Allie.

I take into consideration Boo's estimated developmental age and when I compare that to what I expected of Allie at that age I realize I am setting the bar low.I mean really low, like on the ocean floor where only scary monsters live. If I ballpark Boo's developmental age, at 3-ish Allie was expected to behave in public. She would have to walk next to me in the grocery store and would have to do the 3 bite rule at meal times.

Yet I don't.

Because it is easier. Because I love holding Boo, even if my left hip aches at the end of the night. Because I am getting great biceps lifting Boo. Because I treasure this moment when she is a mommy's girl and want it to last forever and a day.

I know that I shouldn't compare Boo to that little girl at the barn (and this is just one example where I take the easy way out). I should be proud of all Boo has accomplished, more than anyone ever expected. In my heart I know I am holding Boo her own standard, the one that is right for her. It's in my head that I have doubts and worries.

I worry that I am holding her back. I doubt in my ability to give Boo what she needs. That by taking the easy way out I am not allowing Boo to flourish.

On the upside she didn't fall into the manure.

This is how I finished the sentence, "If I had a magic wand...." for Finish That Sentence Friday. How would you?

Finish the Sentence Friday

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time flies

Like sands from the hour glass, so are the days of our lives...

Today Allie is in fourth grade. FOURTH. It is kind of surreal. This is the first year I've ever had that "uh-oh" moment. I know, the rest of the real moms out there cried at kindergarten and first grade. Heck you probably cried the first time you put the baby in daycare.

Me? Not so much. Kindergarten was easy because Allie had transitioned from her daycare to preschool to kindergarten all within the same building.

Look, my little girl first day of Kindergarten with no hair!

First grade I was a little nervous. It was the first time I put Allie on the bus without knowing her teachers, friends and who the parents were. But Allie was so excited, she didn't even wave to me as she got on the bus.

(there would be a photo here if the child had noticed me as she got on the bus)

This year, for some reason, is different. I noticed the change about a week ago. Allie asked if her skin looked clearer. Ummmmm how does one answer that question? When I said yes (phew right answer) she told me she had washed her face.  The conversation went:

ME: You washed your face?
ME: Why?
ALLIE: Well, mom you know I'm going into fourth grade. Eventually I have to stop acting like a little girl.
ME: You couldn't start with brushing your teeth?

Then four days ago the girl started wearing lip gloss. Lip gloss! And started doing her hair. And I mean using shampoo without being threatened and then putting in barrettes and hair bands in her hair.

Two days ago doing the last minute backpack book bag shopping she started thumbing through a teen magazine at the checkout stand.

FYI this is NOT my cart, just a display

The day before school started she organized her book bag (a messenger bag, goodbye Selena Gomez back-pack), got a mirror and brush for her locker, laid out her dress and boots with gems on them all without being asked.

Once I recovered from the shock I told her it was time to take her shower. She asked if she could get up early for school and shower. Then I can blow dry and curl her hair.

I wonder if my daughter has been a victim of the body snatchers. This is not my girl. Yesterday, the first day of school, Allie got up early. She showered herself and washed her hair, face and everywhere! We blew dry her hair, tried to get a curl into it and she got herself all dolled up with peach lip gloss. It was then I realized....

Holy crap I've got a tween.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Easy Peasy

I don't think I am the only one who is on summer burnout. Keeping the girls entertained occupied all summer while working, dealing with working mom guilt and discovering Twitter has sapped my creative energy.  On top of it all, my mom was stuck on Facebook games and needed me to give her extra lives.

Then Jen posted an, and I quote, EASY PEASY mix-tape. The best of...

But the best of what? The 80's (we just did that through the decades). The best you suck songs (done). The best stalker songs (done, wrong week, but it was done). Or should I do the best songs to send your best friend? Again, been there done that.

Jen I need direction! You know with out explicit instructions I get confused and mess up your rules of the mix-tape.

Today is the first day of school for Allie. Yes, she survived enjoyed the summer! So how about I make a mix tape called...

Best of Allie's Playlist that I don't mind listening to.

Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

Love Story by Taylor Swift (okay, anything by Taylor)

Ready or Not by Bridget Medler

Love you like a love song by Selena Gomez

Cruisin for a bruisin by Ross Lynch


This is my dance floor by Bella Thorne and Zendaya

Okay, probably should have warned you that Allie is addicted to the Disney Channel. Here's the thing, I told you she was in Fourth Grade.....but I apologize that you now have Call Me Maybe stuck in your head.

On the other hand, you should be happy that I don't let Allie listen to Miley Cyrus ever since Hannah Montana stopped wearing underwear.

What is on your best of mix tape? Join me over at My Skewed View and get on the ultimate DJ's playlist. It's not so easy peasy, though.