But the fear never stops.
When we left for Disney I made up a little sign and used packing tape to laminate it. It went something like, "My name is Boo. I am severely developmentally delayed. I cannot tell you my name or age. If you are reading this, my mom is freaking out. Please call Kerri at XXX".
When we got back, I noticed a friend on Facebook was using a Nike product combined with her IPHONE to track her running. I thought, YES This is what we need! Since Boo will not wear a bracelet or necklace and I am at my wits end trying to keep a ponytail in her hair, I thought something in her shoe? That would be perfect.
Unless of course, she threw it in a fire or out of the jeep. Then that would be a very expensive OOPS. But, if it would work for her or in my moment of philanthropy any child/adult who if they go missing would not be able to help themselves, it is worth the risk. We just would keep our promise of never letting Boo wear shoes in the jeep!
So, I wrote NIKE. I got a response which is slightly better than the no reply that FOX News, the Boston Globe or my local newspaper provided when I wrote to Ann Coulter. But still, the reply made me laugh:
I appreciate you writing us with your idea of having a GPS tracker in Children's shoes. Your idea is wonderful.Well, at least they hope I have a nice day. And that my idea is wonderful. But really, they cannot accept outside ideas? I know there is probably some legal reason why they have to respond this way. So, Nike just do it, make a product that will keep our kids safe.
At this time, Nike is unable to accept outside ideas. This is primarily due to the problems in adapting those ideas to fit our objective, but also because of the ownership issues, which could be raised if we happened to be working on a similar idea at the same time. Consequently, it is our policy not to share outside ideas and not to use those ideas in any way.
Thank you for your interest in Nike and I hope you have a wonderful day.
I promise you,it will be much more rewarding than making athletes faster.