Friday, October 24, 2014

Have you seen our new digs?

Not sure if you know this or not, but Undiagnosed but Okay has moved. Come see our new place by following this link!

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Moving day

It's official. Undiagnosed but Okay is moving. Please visit us in our new digs. There are no dust bunnies yet. Though Boo is exhausted from the move.

Please visit our new home at: 

TBT--I was an idiot

It's Throw-back Thursday.  This post was originally published on 06-SEP-2012 after a wonderful week of company. But then   I became an idiot. Instead of being warrior mom I was one who judged. A person I wasn't too proud to be.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 for 21

I have been blogging for about four years now. In my first year my friend Michelle at Big Blueberry Eyes began hosting the 31 for 21 challenge. Although Boo doesn't have Down Syndrome she has a lot of friends that do.  I have participated for the past three years and will do so again this year. 

And this year I am starting on time, so bonus points!