
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So long 2013

You know you are getting older when the year disappears faster than Miley Cyrus's underwear. Seriously I do not know how time moved so fast between sitting on Jen's couch on New Year's Eve to driving to Florida for Thanksgiving. Let alone how fast Jolly St. Nick sent his free-loading elf to visit.


But the end is here, today. The end of 2013 when we worry about what the heck 2014 will bring. Cause that's how I roll. Looking back at last year I realize that it was not only incredible but not quite as worrisome as I sometimes, well, worry.

January I had a couple of Holy Crap moments when dear blogging friends nominated me for awards. Sure the awards are totally made up and had no cash involved. Still it made this new blogger feel like she was making a difference. What a great way to start the year especially as I worried about being isolated in this life with Boo.

February was great. There was a lot of wine involved in making February great. Mother Nature was in a snit so she sent some fish named Nemo to wreck havoc on my sanity. During this time I thought about how Boo is really great at some things. Like banging blocks.

March I gave you my opinion on social media. You were enthralled and named me queen. I also enlisted into the war against  the "R" word.

April I took Five Minutes to talk about Boo's newest accomplishment: Jumping. I also vented at the neurologist that said she never would. You will be glad to know that it is now December and she still hasn't managed to jump off anything higher than the floor. Okay, I'm glad about that.

May we shared about how being a special mom is different. I also entered into the Babble Best of the Blogs. If you haven't had a chance to vote (by visiting the site and hitting the Facebook Like or retweeting via Twitter), would you do it now? The voting ends soon and I will stop begging for votes! Okay, voting ends January 14. So I will probably be begging a bit longer. I was also one of the first residents of Our Land. If you have never made it over to the land Kristi created you are missing out.

June I played Listicles and while I rarely get the subject right, I did manage to entertain Dana. I also asked you what the heck I was thinking as I started running, it wasn't pretty.

July I tried to be a Brady. I failed. It was epic. I blame Jen Kehl.

August I wrote a letter to Boo. It made my mom cry, not my intent. I hope someday both my children read it and understand that children never break us. They make us. (You better be paying attention K).

September brought the girls back to school and me a magic wand. Okay, not really but I finished the sentence "if I had a magic wand". So same thing. I also vented a bit at the jerks who messed with Disney.

October I got to meet Kate! Of course I made her run and she really hasn't been back since. I'm sure the mullet had nothing to do with that. I also took the easy way out with Boo and hope next time I put my big girl panties on.

November I explained why homework is so difficult in our house and once again messed with Jen's mix-tapes. Boo went to her first ever birthday party. It was awesome.

December brought the freaking Elf. I'm still not over it.

Phew, 2013 was very busy. No wonder I'm exhausted! How was your year?

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