Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You're beautiful

Do you ever feel beautiful? Nope, me either. Jen had the best prompt this week, to make a mix-tape for those you think are beautiful. Okay, not really. The rules state: Make a mix for a friend of songs you think are beautiful. Either because they make you happy, they are musically composed in some way because they are pleasing to you  or they just plain make you think…this is beautiful. (that doesn’t always mean happy)

See, I am trying! I even put the rules right up there so you can make sure I paid attention. But then I thought it would be more fun to make a mix-tape that show my friends why they are beautiful. To make it a true mix tape, I have added both in real life and in blog life friends. Well, at this point they are all friends to me.

Added bonus, I get to drive Jen crazy.

Jen gets my first song, because she is beautiful when she gives me the rules of life. She also has the best smile and laugh ever, next to Boo. Jen is just one of those generally nice people whose beauty radiates out. Even when she is laughing at you and not with you.

Kristi gets the second song on my list. She has a smoking hot voice, probably from smoking. The song doesn't make me think of her, but the video does. Can't you just see Kristi falling into one of her drawings? She is a superhero in real life and I just know she would save the cute boy from AHA in the end!

Becky gets song number three. Becky has the most beautiful eyes. You know that friend that you don't have to see often but when you pick up the phone they are there? Becky is probably the most overextended friend I have. She is there for anyone who needs it. Be it a room, a meal or for her to volunteer in every classroom even if her child isn't in that grade.   With Becky you are never alone. And well, those sisters could rock.

Song number four on the playlist is dedicated to Boo's aides, teachers and therapists. They just radiate beauty. Each one of them shows a beautiful love, affection and determination to make Boo be the best she can be. I believe in my heart that every one of them love Boo as much as she loves them. They have given us the tools we need to be brave.

And the final song for this week's mix-tape is for Kate who not only shows the beauty of a child with a  cleft pallet but she shines a light on something most of us know nothing about. Kate not only opened her heart and her home to children most turn away from, she gives them the world. She also makes me snort my wine, but that's beside the point.

There are so many others that I think are beautiful. But my goal is to at least follow one rule, so I only picked five. Oh, and Jen? I mess up the linky tool every freaking week! But I am attempting it one more time...but if it's wrong every one can listen to the Best of tapes.


  1. lol I love your songs! And you ARE beautiful! Your blogs always make me smile and since we all know everyone looks better with a smile you spread beauty wherever you go. Now to meet you in person ...

  2. Loved your take on this and really wonderful songs to celebrate some beautiful and awesome people!!

  3. I think you meant to say "particularly the second." Although I agree that Kate is incredible. Ok fine. The last.

  4. You are the bestest friend ever. I love that you gave me a-ha. Love so much. I'd forgotten how amazing that video is. I would totally save the hot boy. Also? Your other choices are pretty beautiful, too. As are YOU, beautiful friend. Thanks so much for including me. And my man voice. I mean my smokin' hot voice.

  5. Great songs, and so sweet to dedicate them to your friends! You have some awesome people in your life. Your Becky sounds a lot like my friend Becky! :)

  6. It's important to tell your friends how special they are on a regular basis, but with music, the telling is even better. Great idea for the mix tape!

  7. You should have picked a song for yourself!! Love all of these songs and the reasons you chose the people. All definitely beautiful.

    (although the james blunt song "you're beautiful is my least favorite ever)


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