
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Workshops...not the end of the world!

When Boo began her new program in preschool it included monthly workshops. The workshop is once a month for 2 hours where a parent observes the ABA/discrete trials that our child undergoes every day.

The first workshop was very difficult for me to observe. I am happy to report that every month since then has been easier. At first I was just so unprepared. I didn't know what ABA was or the whole 'compliance' issues.

Eight months later, I love the workshops. I get to know Boo's therapists/aides better. I learn that Boo is not saving her stubborness for home. I realize why Boo is so disjointed on the weekends without the routine of her school day. Not that this knowledge will help me with devising a weekend routine.

But if you are honest with the team and allow them to be honest with you (in other words, don't think your daughter is a princess) both "teams" end up serving Boo in the best way possible. I relayed some issues we are facing this summer (we live near a beach and Boo is afraid of the sand) and they will invent a program to make the beach easier. 

The other bonus of the workshop is I can fill the team in on Boo's medical updates. I can tell them face-to-face what programs neurology and/or developmental medicine want to add and Boo's team is usually one step ahead of the game.

We are never leaving this town. I still haven't figured out why Boo's program isn't available everywhere. But I think we should make it our mission to find funding for your town.


  1. That program sounds great! And the advantages you mentioned like being on track with the team and all that are very important in my opinion. However, I truly can imagine that it was hard to attend the workshops at first.

    I missed you on my blog this week! Hope you are just busy and nothing else is going on! xoxo

  2. What is this program called, Kerri?

    I sure do hope you don't leave your town cause with recession cuts are happening everywhere..:(

    btw, how was boo's visit to the birthday party? Very curious to know :)


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