
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sometimes life is just good...

As many of you know from my recent pity party once and a while I break. But more often than not I just know it is going to be okay.

Last week I had a PTA meeting. Husband was working (surprise!) and after a weekend of spending way too much money I couldn't justify a babysitter. Off to PTA we go...

As I sat there in the meeting Allie had Boo in her chair and read stories to her for an hour (we were in the school library). When the stories got old, Allie took out my Kindle and the girls watched Austin and Allie.

I have a lot of fears with Boo. All of us have frustrations with her. Yes she is cute but she is also a lot of work for the family. When Boo wrecks Barbie-ville or the latest fairy house. it makes her a little hard for Allie to love. But at the end of the day, the love of the two sisters is something that makes my heart stop for a moment and just stop.

Stop worrying, stop trying to be supermom and just stop trying to make everything just right. Stop and take a moment, a brief moment, to enjoy my girls enjoying themselves QUIETLY while I enjoy the company of other women. Even if it was just at a PTA meeting!

PS--I swear this is a true story, the girls sat quietly in the corner reading books  and watching the Kindle until almost 9pm. Proud momma moment.


  1. That is AWESOME! Allie and Boo are fabulous; thank you for sharing. :)

  2. Great! I love how your girls love each other! <3

  3. Awe! That's so sweet! Moments like that put everything into perspective, don't they?

  4. Wow! That is awesome! Kudos to mom and to the girls ... and thank God for Kindle!!!


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