
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

And I am back into the rat race

Last week our family took a vacation from all that is work, school, therapy and the Internet. This is what I realized on my week away:

  • You can live without the Internet (I only checked e-mail twice)
  • You can go into Words With Friends withdrawals (I managed to play a couple of times)
  • You can survive 20-plus hours in the car with a husband, a 9YO and a 4YO. Just bring books, snacks and an IPAD/Kindle/IPOD touch.
    • Your 9YO can manage to kill batteries in all 3 of the above BEFORE you reach your destination to recharge
  • I only managed to live without the internet because everytime I tried to go on my Kindle Boo would steal it to watch Austin and Allie videos
  • My husband has a strange addiction to Bass Pro/Cabelas
  • You can go into blog withdrawal. I found myself wondering how everyone was surviving without my comments on their blog!
Okay, back to the vacation story. We took the Allie and Boo out of school for a week to celebrate our nephew was graduating Navy basic training (proud Auntie moment)...

Holy crap, when did he get so tall?

Since it is a long drive to Great Lakes, IL we figured we would make the most of the adventure. We put the girls in the car at 4 am (or as I like to say, the butt crack of dawn) and headed to Niagara Falls (or as Allie pronounces it...Viagra Falls).

Why Niagara Falls, you ask? Well, more on that adventure tomorrow.

After spending almost two days in Niagara Falls, we again put the girls in the car at the butt crack of dawn and headed to Chicago, Il. Roughly 11 hours later we met up with my nephew's family, along with his brother's girlfriend. Or as I like to call her, my future niece-in-law. (future as in a long time from now, a VERY long time from now)

On Friday I was one of my nephew's four guests to witness his transition from Seaman Recruit to Sailor. It made the 23 hour drive more than worth it. To watch this young man I have known since he was a terrible two-year old transform into a confident young gentleman. There are no words to describe how proud we are of him.

I also am in awe how the 890 graduates stood so still in formation for the two hour ceremony!

We were supposed to leave Saturday morning, but decided to take just one more day to spend with my husband's family. We went to a place called Bob Chinn's. I highly recommend the experience. Just bring your credit card ($60 crab legs, but hey it was graduation!). 

The best part of the weekend? Being able to watch the Bruins game in Chicago with our  nephews and their parents. Something we never get to do. Oh and Allie thinks the best part of the vacation was the pool.  Hubs votes for the crab legs.

On Sunday we again left at 4am and headed to home. Since there was no way any of the girls in the car (including myself) were going to survive 25+ hours in the car we stayed one more night on the road. Finally we made it home on Monday evening in time to rescue the crazy puppy's babysitter.

It was very difficult to go to work/school today. But we managed. Of course, I kind of forgot to get lunch stuff for the girls on the way home and the bread was well...inedible. But balonga on Ritz crackers is always a good combination, right?

Check back tomorrow to find out how Boo survived Niagara!


  1. Oh yay for a great vacation and so cute Boo calling Niagara Falls, Viagra Falls. Love it and can't wait to hear how she liked the Falls now, too!! :)

  2. So great you got to go on vacation. I thought about Niagara Falls myself this weekend but my little one gets motion sickness. Anyway, missed you and just happy you enjoyed your time away. :)

    1. Just don't do the boat. Everything else is worth it!

  3. I was just beginning to worry about you when I saw this in my email! I'm very glad you were off having fun and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your vacation adventures!

    1. Aw, thanks Sylvia! I seriously missed checking in on everyone

  4. OMG, dying laughing at Viagra Falls! Still aren't they gorgeous?!?!?! I did miss you!! I also appreciated that the batteries to all can be dead way too soon. I remember our vacation last year, we were recharging *something* the whole way --- between the GPS, the Kindle, two phones, and iPad and a portable DVD player something was always running out of juice!! Welcome home!

    1. Yes, but your son didn't say VIAGRA falls to her teacher this morning. So you can laugh

  5. I've never been to Viagra, but I'd love to see Niagra Falls! What an awesome amazing trip. I'm jealous. We're just now trying to figure out this summer's vacations and time off and and and. I wish you lived closer, speaking of the and and and. So. Um. I may regret this. But you play Words with Friends? Do you also play Scramble with Friends? Addicted. Totally crazily addicted. So glad you are back and had such a great trip!!

  6. Your holidays sound just wonderful! I would love to see Viagra ;-) Falls one day! It must be purely awesome and spectacular!

    And you know that I missed you commenting on my blog because I stalked you ;-)

    Glad to see you back!!


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