
Monday, June 30, 2014

My Challenge: Julie

I would like you to introduce you to my friend Julie. Other than Julie being addicted to scrap-booking and crafts I never notice anything different about her. Julie has the best personality.One of those people you think must be faking it because she is always happy. She has a gorgeous smile, a quick laugh and an awesome sense of humor. 

On top of it all she is beautiful. The kind of beauty that radiates from the inside out. This is why I was beyond surprised at her challenge.

My challenge: Self Esteem

I was born with Dwayne’s Syndrome. Dwayne’s Syndrome is a dead nerve in my right eye which has paralyzed one of the muscles responsible for movement. I have perfect 20/20 vision in both eyes, but I don’t have binocular vision as my right eye has a 5 degree from center inward position.

As a child, I used to be called the cross eye trash can. Kids wouldn't let me sit with them on the bus. My self-confidence was attacked. But I learned to forgive those kids for what they did to me because I know they were hurting somehow.

I continue to hear the voices of that childhood bully. I don’t see the beauty that others see. My hubby, kiddos and friends tell me all the time how beautiful I am. WHY can’t I see me through his and my kids eyes? !!! It makes me so sad….:(

With that being said don’t feel sorry for me. I don’t. I have a wonderful husband, family and friends. The bullying of the past makes me appreciate their love for me.  I do sometimes wish things could have been different, but then again, maybe I wouldn't have become the kind, accepting and open-minded person I am today. 

I pray for a day when children are no longer bullied because they are different.

Go back for a moment and look at Julie's picture. Is her eye the first thing you see? Me, not so much. I see such a happy, beautiful lady. I can hear her laughter. I know Julie, personally. She is quite incredible. Well, once you get past the craft obsession. By the way, Julie...Abby still wants a craft-date. 

To learn more about Julie's craftiness visit her blog The Cape Cod Scrapper. She will give you great ideas, even if you are as untalented as I am. She is even willing to tutor.

Dwayne's Syndrome is a rare form of strabismus, or misalignment of the eye. Where most forms of strabismus leave side-to-side eye movements intact, in Duane syndrome the “wiring” of the eye muscles gets jumbled, and movement of eye(s) is limited in certain directions. To learn more about Dwayne's syndrome please visit The Boston Children's Hospital information.

What's your challenge is a series that was inspired by a program I created at Abby's school. To submit your challenge, please e-mail me at


  1. Totally wouldn't have known this from looking at Julie's picture and will say she sounds like a truly amazing lady and definitely glad to have gotten to know her a bit better here today ;)

  2. Kerri, your kind words about me brought tears to my eyes!!
    Thanks for inviting me to share my story... and you know what, I was telling Shannon, my 9 yr old, about my challenge. Do you know what she said to me.... "wait what? what is wrong with your eye?!" I couldn't believe she truly didn't know. :)

  3. I didn't notice anything from the picture either! Had to scroll back and take a second look and still only see a woman with a beautiful smile!

  4. I didn't notice anything in the picture either! Had to scroll back and look again, still only see a woman with a beautiful smile!


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