
Friday, June 27, 2014

Bear with me...

This is kind of a Jen Kehl type of post but I hope everyone bears with me. I listen to Pandora at work. This means music goes from Eminem to the Drop Kick Murphys to the Glee Soundtrack.  The other day right after I heard a song by Eminem the music transitioned to Christina Perry's A Thousand Years (theme from Twilight). 

It was the instrumental version so I did not have the singer's voice, just the one in my head. It occurred to me that the song while about true love, to me is about parenthood. 

"The day we met, Frozen I held my breath. Right from the start I knew I had found a place for my heart..."
With each girl I literally held my breath when I first held them. I was so afraid I would break them. But I knew in that instant I had found my home. One where I would always be warm and loved.
"Time stands still. Beauty in all she (he) is...I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me..."
Time does stand still. It also goes faster than a heartbeat. But there are moments of parenthood where you are lucky to see for the rest of your life. Their first step, their first smile (for real, not the gassy one). The day they drive the car for the first time. The moment they find their true love. No matter how many times you hear "MOOOOMMMMM" and wish they had a mute button. It will erase the moment you heard them say momma the first time. 
"And all along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you a thousand years. I will love you a thousand more"
Children don't understand. I know I did not understand the depths of my parent's love until I had my own. Time might march on. We are only "here" for a short time. But love transcends time. It transcends distance. You can have a child half-way around the world and yet your love reaches them. 

Your child might be non-verbal. They might be in the midst of an epileptic seizure. They might just be being a pain in the butt teenager. Yet they feel your love.

For a thousand years you get to feel theirs right back at you.

And that is how deep I got into A Thousand Years until Men in Hats came on. So everyone grab your child and do the Safety Dance!


  1. Yup, totally couldn't understand how much I could love another person until I had my girls. So, believe me I get it and then some. By the way, I e-mailed you earlier in the week with the graphic and text you asked me last week for. Let me know if you got it, because I never heard back from you.

  2. So true. There's no knowing the love 'till you feel it.
    And music is cool.

  3. my cousin walked down the isle to that song!

  4. Ah, to loving more than we knew we could. And to Frozen songs that I don't know but sound amazing. Tucker is singing "Everything is Awesome" (I mean singing in the loosest of terms - as in awesome awesome awesome) from the Lego movie.


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!