Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Running for more than a nice butt

One of the side benefits of running is that you get to raise money for worthy causes. I sign up for 5k's every month so I don't start slacking on my goals. But I refuse to sign up for a race just because. It has to be for a greater good. We have done one for Crohns disease(doing it next year with Kate!) and recently did one for Childhood Cancer. This weekend I have guilted Kate in joining me for the High-Five Mullet race that supports mental health services.

The upside? I get to meet Kate, for real in person.
The downside? She has to run a 5k. Okay, she can walk I'll never tell

Oh, did I mention there was free beer after the race? Yup, David will be running too!

And while I am super proud of us for running a 5k I am in awe of those who not only run farther but do it without needing an ambulance afterwards. In honor of Down Syndrome month, Michelle's husband ran in the Air Force Marathon. He is doing it for his beautiful daughter Kayla and others like her. Her family is trying to not only raise awareness but support more research for Down Syndrome. You can read more about their story here and if you have a few dollars to spare on a good cause, please consider sponsoring Mike's team.

Who knows, maybe next year Kate and I will be ready for a half-marathon!


  1. You're so dang awesome. I wish you lived here so you could come over and make me run. My butt and my self image would thank you. With wine.

  2. I love, love, love that you run for causes...I wish I was a runner (or a jogger or a walker or something) because I'd run for a cause too...good luck to you and Kate and Hubby and drink a beer for me at the end.:)

  3. I'm getting a workout from laughing about the half marathon. But I guess crazier things have happened! There better be some people in worse shape than me there!

  4. Came over here from Finding Ninee.

    You can do it! I'm training to run a half marathon here in a couple of weeks. I ran one in 2011 and didn't die, so you can do it for sure. Good luck and your daughter is adorable!

  5. Thank you so much for highlighting Joe's marathon and the cause that is RDS Runners running for Down syndrome research! So appreciate this! I'm lucky if I can manage to run around the block :)

  6. And all that pain is worth it because you're helping so many people! Who care's if you're not a marathon runner. You're advocating for people who are suffering. Shit, do the moon walk. Now that would be so cool
    A nice bottom is a added bonus.

  7. That is a GREAT idea to do one 5K each month to support a cause.

  8. Yay for you! What a wonderful person you are!

  9. Nothing like free beer to get me to run a 5K. Enjoy your run and please send some of your motivation my way...please.


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