
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Thanks, it's been a great week

It is very difficult, some weeks, to be thankful. Heck, some minutes days are tough to get through.

But this week, was awesome. Sure it wasn't perfect. Yet I have so much to be grateful. Trust me this list is in no particular order. Every single moment I am just in awe of the week that was.

10. I stopped by a friend's house to do some PTA business. That was accomplished in under 5 minutes. Minute 6, Allie was in their pool. Minute 8, I had a Margarita in my hand. A routine night at home alone with the girls morphed into a lovely night at a friends house.

9. The freeloading second niece was born! Thankfully the two nieces have two different names and birthdays.

8. We have a wedding this weekend. An adult only wedding, mind you. One that I already have a dress for, so I won't have to go shopping (okay, David is the probably thankful for that one). I just hope I don't laugh through it.

7. This virtual world of Blog, where connections are made and kept. I adore how we check in on one another, how we support, love, cry and laugh together. If only we could figure out a way to meet for happy hour.

6. The fact that it is only Tuesday and I have so much to be thankful.

5. Boo who told me she "woe helmet" and "had bike" at school. Translated into she rode on a tricycle at school. Okay,  maybe she was pushed. But it happened and better than that, Boo TOLD me it happened!

4. And better yet, this video. Okay not of her on the bike (hey teachers reading this send me a picture!) but still wicked cool. Not only a sentence but look at the body awareness and motor planning!

3. That even when things don't go as planned (and I love to plan) I have friends that show me the upside.

2. I am healthy. I spent some time last week with a woman who is suffering from Lupus. She has the most upbeat attitude. She may have Lupus, but Lupus does not have her. In addition, I learned that a young woman I am friends with just learned she has cancer. She has two young children, a supportive family and a great outlook. It is times like these when I know I am blessed to be in good health. I will try to not take it for granted as often as I do.

1. That Zachary is 30% to his goal of receiving security in the form of a Service Animal. If you haven't had a chance to read his story please see it here. He was also in our local paper, so way to go Zach!

Ten Things of Thankful
What are you thankful for this week? It is easy, when you think about it. Focus on one thing THIS WEEK and let me know in the comments.

Oh and if you are keeping track with me: There are only 46 days left before Allie is back in school. 


  1. Thanks for linking up! I loved your list.

    Service dogs are amazing! I'm a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind and know that dogs can make such a difference in people's lives. I hope Zachary gets his dog soon!

  2. Yay to wonderful weeks! I have been to a lot of PTA meetings, and that has got to be the best PTA meeting ever! Impromptu get-togethers are such good pick-me-ups.
    It sounds (and looks) like Boo is at a fantastic school. Look at her go!

  3. 1st of all - I love the video. She looks like she's having fun. Secondly, why would you laugh during the wedding. I'm dying to know ;-)

  4. So I am thankful that, during a hectic week at work, my niece Boo made a special trip to see me..and TOLD me that she rode her bike, wore her helmet AND shoes! I wasn't going to miss that! (I needed the boost, and my boss is very forgiving when it comes to Boo!). One proud (Crafty) Auntie!

  5. I was not aware that there were such as thing as (the) Service dogs that you talk about in the Zach link. wow. I am a major of dogs, but that these dogs sound remarkable.

    It *is* good to hear about the good weeks as well as the not-so-good weeks... someone, among the conversations that spring up on these weekends (I think it was Christine) said something very to this point, that as the weekends go by, not only do we learn about (each others) lives, but we can see changes in the person(s) behind the Posts


  6. Kerri! I love love love your list. The video of Boo is priceless - and YES total body awareness. The fact that she TOLD you she wore a helmut and rode a bike is huge!! (we're so not there yet but I have hopes for this year). YES to number seven. PLEASE figure out a way that we can meet for happy hour already! Maybe we can do a video-conference call and all have our wine with us?? That might be cool, actually...

  7. Adorable Boo has a lot to say! I'm so happy you had a great week! You are always so positive and upbeat! You are a blessing! Hoping you have another and another and another one and so on and so on- just as awesome!

  8. #7 - yesss! Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC? Why can't we be beamed together, like in Star Trek? Is that so hard?

    And really loving the video of Boo! She is so engaged and having fun while learning to use her muscles. Hope you get that picture of her on the trike!

  9. I'm really glad you had an awesome week. My favorites are #8, #10 and #7. I have to say that adult only events are UNDER-rated. It means a lot to be able to spend some time alone with your spouse.

  10. If you ever have a video conference with Kristi I am definitely in! That would really be cool!

    Your list is so awesome! I can see that you really had a great week!

    Congrats on your second niece! I hope she is fine!

    How was the wedding? Want so show us pics of your dress?

    Love the video of Boo and that she told you about the helmet and riding the tricycle! Woo hoo good job!

    No. 2 is SO important and I am keeping my fingers crossed for the dog for Zachary! xoxo


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!