Monday, July 15, 2013

In Allie's words....

I have Kate at A Clean Slate to thank for this post. If you liked it, great. If not, blame her! But she thought it would be great to have a post of Allie-isms. I thought, what a great way to start the week and embarrass Allie when she is old enough to read this blog.

Since Allie has A LOT of -isms, here is the first in her new series.

When Allie was in first grade and going for her First Communion she had to learn two prayers. The Our Father and the Hail Mary. Here are her versions:

Hail Mary, full of face, the Lord is with you.
Blessed art you woman.
And blessed be your room, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sunning now and at the our of our death, but I really don't want to die.

Our father who does art in Heaven
Halloween be your name
The kingdom come
The will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day some bread
And forgive us our trespasses even thought I don't know what that means.
Lead us to the Shirley temples
And I will try not to be evil.

Yes, she actually made her First Communion or as her father said, Her Holy Cookie. 


  1. I always thought it was "Thanks speedy God". ;-)

  2. HAHA! My favorite is "and I will try not be evil." Well played, Allie. May we all try not to be evil. I think she's a genius.

  3. What a cutie pie and hilarious!

  4. This was my favorite post today. I love getting a little look into a kids view of the world. Awesome

  5. She is such a smart, funny kid! Love her special prayers! :-)

  6. Yay! I love that is going to be a whole series! The first picture I might even spy a little smirk...


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