
Thursday, May 2, 2013

A different type of mom

I wrote before on how to tell if you are a 'mom'. But when you have a child with a disability or special needs being a mom is slightly, well, different. For example...

We know intimate details of our child's therapists lives (weddings, fights with the husband, why they hate the color pink or why the mother-in-law isn't allowed to visit).

When we wake up on a Monday morning and realize it is an Early Intervention day we can stuff our closets clean our house in 3.9 seconds.

We are on a first-name basis with our insurance company representative.

We know that when we are told that the doctor is with another patient, he is really reading the cliff notes version of our child's medical record. It may take up to an hour.

We know when the 'good' time is to visit the ER.

We know that when another parent says "I don't know how you do it" they really mean "Thank God that's not me". More importantly, we are okay with you thinking that because at one time we thought the same thing.

We don't panic over a temperature, but we have our pediatrician's cell phone number on speed dial. You know, just in case.

We look forward to our child's PT/OT/SPT therapy because we have to leave the house.

We know what PT/OT/SPT/IEP stand for.

When our pediatrician tells us he is going on vacation we think that since our visits probably paid for his retirement, his children's college education and his wife's new jewelry we probably should be invited to the family ski house.

We also think that our child's visits just paid for the new wing at the Rehab center.

What about you, how are you different as a 'special' mom?

And if you haven't had a chance, would you take a moment to visit Babble and "like" my nomination for Best of the Blogs? It is super simple. Just visit the page and click: like on Facebook or Tweet or Google+ (G+ can be multiple times, Facebook just once per person dang it!)


  1. OMG, I love the comment about being invited to the pediatrician's ski house! In the case of autism, you are so familiar with the symptoms you diagnose people at the playground, in church and in your husband's office.

    1. I have totally done this with friend's children :)

  2. I think you totally should be invited to the pediatrician's ski house!

    1. I know, right? It's the least he could do!

  3. You know what every diagnostic and procedure code on your insurance stands for.

    Rattling off your child's team members--medical and educational--takes at least 5 minutes and leaves you breathless.

    You're on your second (or third!) binder of your child's med/educ. history and he's only turning 4 years old.

    1. I just started my third binder. I love your list!

  4. I can't say enough how perfectly you said what it is like to be a "different type of" and I am in awe of you!! Have happily shared Babble nominated article, too!! :)

  5. Love this list! Just all seems like second nature now! I am always diagnosing kids too! It's kind of boring filling out forms for Pepper and Woody when I need to leave the special needs section free! ;)

    1. It's probably harder too! When I have to fill out forms for Boo I can go to the 3-ring binder to recall when she walked/talked, etc...Allie? Total guess work!

  6. Love this post!! You are an amazing mom.

  7. Oh my gosh, I was just having this conversation in my head! And I totally laughed about knowing what all of those acronyms meant. I remember when I didn't, when he was a baby and people would use those abbreviations in relation to him and I would have to google them when I got home. I also totally agree with the "I don't know how you do it statement." My son has Cold Urticaria, it's basically an allergy to cold. Yup. Today it was 45 and rainy, he insisted on playing outside, the sitter sent me texts of his legs which had gotten soaked through by the rain. He was covered in hives, she was panicing. I said really, just give him a benadryl, it'll be fine. Then I texted the pics to his nurse and we went on with our lives :-)

  8. Yes, the "good time" for ER visits. So true! I'd also like to add that special moms are not only known by the hospital's medical staff, but by the security and janitorial staff as well!

  9. That just about sums it up! I'm heading over to vote now!

  10. My mom can basically agree with you on this. I've been in and out of doctors and hospitals the past few months, so I know she can definitely relate!

  11. Oh this post is CLASSIC!! Although my daughter is doing better... I can SO RELATE to it all!!! Brilliant list!! :)


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