
Monday, April 15, 2013

Thank you

Stephanie over at Mommy, for Real had an awesome post the other day that I am totally stealing. It was an open thank you letter to her friends that get her not only through her day, but through her life. Stephanie is the host of HerStories, a link-up where we can express what our friendships mean to us. You should definitely check them out, especially Dana's recent post about a Friendship Mourned.

I did warn her I was stealing--not plagiarizing :)

I recently wrote about my friendship with Tia, but I am beyond lucky to have more than one Tia in my life. So here I am taking a moment or two to thank those who help me get through, well everything in my life.

Thank you

Thank you to the friend who offered to do a family vacation with us, even though it means that plans have to be modified for Boo.

Thank you to the friend who does crafty playdates with Allie so I don't have to.

Thank you to the friend who is leaving for a cruise, but still took Allie for a playdate on a half-day so she did not have to attend Boo's 3 hour, multiple therapy appointments. Oh, and thank you for also feeding her.

Thank you to the friend who calls me unexpectedly because a P!nk song is on that you know I love.

Thank you to the newfound friends in the blog-world. For letting me know we are not alone in this world of undiagnosis, but that we can laugh at one another and ourselves.

Thank you to the friend who dropped off a bottle of wine when she learned I was home with sick children.

Thank you to the friend who is now Googling Jimmy Buffet because I told her it should be that kind of day.

Thank you to the friend who will let us come over for dinner because Allie likes playing at their house more than ours.

Thank you to the friend who tricked convinced me to join the PTA I have made friendships that I never expected.

Thank you to the friends who join up every year to walk with us for Children's Hospital, even though it is 7 miles in June when you could be on the beach.

Thank you to the friend that gave me great parenting advice when I first had Allie and did not hurt me when I started every sentence, Jenn said....

Thank you to the friend who will meet us at the Pub at the last minute because we got a babysitter.

Thank you to the friend with a house on the beach that lets us mooch off you every year.

Thank you to the friend who lets me call her daughter at the last minute so we can go to a Pub.

Thank you to the friend who became my sista from another mista in the world of the Blog. You crack me up on a daily basis and it is not just because of the drawings.

Thank you to the friend that told me it is okay to cry and held me when I did.

Thank you to the friend who when Boo was very young and very scary still offered to have us over for dinner. Even when Boo threw up all over your floor, you still invited us back.

Thank you to the therapists who became friends. Thank you for being more than Boo's caretaker but mine as well.

Thank you to the friend who brings me a chocolate covered donut in the morning for no other reason than you could.

Thank you to the friend who let us sit on their boat on the 4th of July and then takes Allie to see the fireworks while we hang back at the marina.

Thank you to the friend who does my hair at a discounted rate so I do not look like Roseannadanna as often as I should.

Thank you to the friend who not only let us stay with them in their condo, but watched Boo for the entire day so I could go skiing. And then offered again the next year.

Thank you for the friends who attend Girls Night In, I think it is time to schedule the next one.

Thank you to the friends who came to our house on Easter so Allie could hunt with more than just Boo.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all our friends who accept Boo for who she is and never makes our family feel that we are all alone.

Thank you to the friend that texts me during TV shows so it is like we are watching them in the same room.

My life would be so much harder without all of you in it. Thank you for everything you do and more. I may not always remember to tell you, but you mean the world to me.

Thank you for being a better friend to me, than I could ever be to you.



  1. This is such a beautiful post, Kerri!

    Thank YOU for always finding the right words when you comment on my blog! You alway know how to comfort me! xoxo

  2. Kerri, this is SUCH an amazingly wonderful heartfelt lovely, lovely, lovely post.
    I was already tearing up before I even got to the part when you mentioned me, my sista from another mista.

    Thank YOU, dear friend, for making me feel less alone in a confusing world of undiagnosed children who make the noise "eeehaaaaeeeeeeaaawweeeee." It's so comforting to know somebody else out there knows what that typed mess of letters actually sounds like.

    You have some amazing friends. They are lucky to have you in their lives. Truly.

    PS can I please borrow your crafty friend because I really don't enjoy that stuff. At all.

    1. I will have to see if she is available for extra crafty dates :)

  3. Being Kerri's sister in law, I can assure you she is a very special lady. No matter what is going on with her, Boo and Allie, she always has time for her 2 nephews to help them out. She was there to help, with confident words for my youngest son's choice to join the Navy and there for the oldest to obtain working for a great company in a field he loves.
    Thank you for all you do Kerri,

    1. I bet she is. It is a shame we will most likely never meet! :-(

  4. Thanks, Dana. I am really lucky for the love and support we receive. Thus, the very long-winded thank you note!

  5. I want to meet Kerri in real life! And Joy! Please scientist, invent the Star Trek transporter thing.


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