Thursday, April 4, 2013

A typical day in the life....

This week's Finish that Sentence Friday is a typical day in my life looks like....

My day? That is just so boring and uneventful. Plus you get to read about it here everyday!

I thought what a typical day in my life if it was casted by Disney (blame my girls and their obsessions).

9am I would wake to the sound of beautiful theme music and sunshine. Not the kind of sunshine that blares into your skull like a solar flare. The nice, warm sunshine that makes your skin glow. Glow like you are a vampire in Twilight (okay, not a Disney movie. Already off-topic, are you surprised?). 

10am after a long, blissful shower where the only sounds I heard would be birds chirping I would come down the grand staircase (without tripping) to see my children dressed in their best gowns without a smear, smudge or wrinkle. They would be sitting quietly awaiting my morning smile. As we proceed to the dining room to a healthy, already made and still warm breakfast we would talk about the adventures they would undertook in their dreams with their Nana (the dog from Peter Pan).

11am breaksfast would be over and the girls would go with their day Nanny (Mary Poppins, of course) and stay perfectly content. They would sing songs and do crafts or whatever Nanny's do with their charges.

From this point on I would spend the day lunching with friends, going to the gym (no scratch that, if this is a Disney movie I would be in perfect shape), playing classical music on not just one instrument but five and I would not have one hair out of place. Oh and I might pencil in a pedicure.

Of course all the household chores would be performed by a nice young girl and her hand maidens.

6pm the family would reassemble in the dining room for a gourmet meal, a meal my children will eat without complaint. The girls would sit in their seats (read: not on my lap). Life would be in perfect harmony.

8pm both girls would be snug in their beds, watched by faithful Nana. I am sure Mary Poppins is out somewhere with Bert.

The husband would be home from a hard day of fighting the evil witch. We would go out for a nightcap or two (hey, I was off the Disney-theme in paragraph 1). My hair would still not be out of place....

Oh, crap. I just realized all the moms in the Disney movies are dead. Never mind! I will keep my life, as boring as it is!

Please join the FTSF hosts:

Finish the Sentence Friday


  1. Immediately, I pictured singing birds when I started to read this. Can you tell I have watched a ton of Disney Princess movies lately with my two girls, lol!! Seriously, that last part got me and I will never wish for a Disney movie life either after that one!! Thanks Kerri, as always, for linking up with us!! :)

  2. I like the Disney fantasy schedule! In my house, though, there would probably have to be some sort of monster trucks or Matchbox car action.

  3. Ahahaha! You're right, so many of the moms are dead in Disney movies. WTH? Bambi, Cinderella, Nemo, Peter Pan has no parents, etc. This is really creative, I like it!

  4. Ok, it took me a really long time to read your post because I kept thinking about ME being in a Disney movie! What a great idea from the sentence starter!!

  5. I loved your FTSF idea! How cool! I guess this is the advantage you have when you have two girls. In our world Disney movies do not really exist. But then again Sunny does not really watch TV at all.

  6. I love it! Ahhh.... the life of a disney princess (forget the mom part, you are right they are either dead and evil then get dead)

  7. It sounded perfect...til you made that spot-on point about all the Disney mothers being dead- ha! Seriously, what's up with that?

  8. I so should have started mine with me opening the shutters of my princess house and having the birds sing along with me. Missed opportunity, dammit.

  9. It's nice to dream, isn't it? :) Found you by way of the FTSF Blog Hop and glad I did. Very sweet and charming post.

  10. You're so right about all the moms in Disney movies being dead! I never thought about that. Weird actually. And hahah that in a Disney movie you could skip the gym because you'd already be in perfect shape. Love it.


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