
Thursday, March 28, 2013

If I could hang out with any celebrity it would be....

This week's Finish that Sentence Friday is so much easier than last week's (thank goodness!). Off we go....

If I could hang out with any celebrity it would be...not just one. I know I am a greedy girl. Here is my reasoning.

If I could hang out with any celebrity for cooking lessons it would be Curtis Stone. You know that guy from Biggest Loser and Top Chef. Oh you don't?

photo credit: google images

Hmmmmm...where was I? Oh yes, not only do I think (based on all his TV appearances) that he is a good cook, I think my kitchen would look much spiffier with him in it.

If I could hang out with any celebrity for a glass of wine it would be Sandra Bullock. I think she would just be like having a glass of wine with a gorgeous girl next door that ignored us in high school but realizes 30 years later that we are super cool. We could watch Curtis while he cooked and we sipped.

If I could hang out with any celebrity for my girls it would be Selena Gomez because then I could make Allie's wish come true. Plus if she really is a Wizard then maybe she can use her magical powers to clean my house.

If I could hang out with any celebrity for comic relief it would be Jeff Dunham. Yes, he plays with dolls. But come on that guy is freaking hysterical. Imagine having this at the dinner table with Curtis?

photo credit google images
what would we do without google?

If I could hang out with any celebrity for romance it would be Mark Walhberg. I know you were thinking George Clooney based on my New Years resolutions. And yes, he has a dream home on Lake Cuomo. But  his girlfriend is some ex-WWF wrestler and three times my height and muscle mass. I would rather eat weird food with Phil than take her on in the ring. But that aside, I have more of a chance running into Mark in Boston than I do meeting George on Lake Cuomo. This is only, of course, in the event that both my husband and his wife were ill-disposed. Not that I am planning anything....

If I could hang out with any celebrity for my husband it would probably be the Duck Dynasty guys because then they could take him hunting. I wouldn't have to go, right? Maybe Mark would be available that weekend :)

If I could hang out with any celebrity for travel it would be that guy from the Amazing Race who I cannot think of his name right now. I could google it, but you know who I mean. Phil something. It doesn't matter, really. But imagine all the cool places he could take us to and the adventures we would have. Other than sky diving or bungee jumping or eating weird food. Never mind,I would like to change my pick to Oprah for traveling partner. First class all the way, Atlantis and I am sure her friend Gayle would make awesome accommodations for us.

And that is how I finished the sentence this Friday. I probably should have been more high-brow and chosen a Saint or some who uses their celebrity for good. But, well....that is just not me!

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Finish the Sentence Friday

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  1. Kerri, loved them all especially the Selena Gomez for your daughter and oh Mark Walhberg is definitely sexy and will not deny you on that one!! Thank you so much for linking up with us as always!! :)

  2. These were great and so funny you picked Sandra Bullock as your wine buddy...I just posted on Facebook tonight that I was at a traffic light tonight and the traffic cop standing there smiled at me and said he thought I was Sandra Bullock!! Made my whole day of course...

    1. Then we should def have a glass of wine together :) You are so lucky to be compared to Sandra Bullock. I get Laura Ingells Wilder from Little House!!

  3. I think you picked the best celebrity to have a glass of wine with, I bet she is great for that.

  4. mmmm.....Mark Wahlberg. Now if Sandra were coming over I'd have to kick my husband out, cause she is possibly the only woman he would leave me for. Let's get real, what man does not have a major crush on her?

    1. And that's why I would never invite Katie Holmes :) I would be single for sure!!!

  5. Great to see an Aussie and even better Melbourne born featured! You would smile seeing him do our Coles ( grocery supermarket) tv ads!
    Thanks for always making me smile xx

    1. You get to see him everytime you grocery shop? lucky girl!

  6. Curtis is YUMMY! And I keep hearing about this Duck Dynasty...time to check it out!

  7. I think Curtis is adorable, I love Phil from Amazing Race! I think he would really be fun to travel with. My son and I watch Amazing Race and would love to compete on it. Sandra Bullock is great! This was a fun post!

    1. I would totally vote for you to eat exotic things!

  8. Fun post! I learned the best lesson from Curtis Stone years ago. How to easily take the skin off garlic. Hit that sucker hard with the handle of a knife. I've done it ever since. Love it! I like Sandra Bullock too. She seems so down-to-earth.

    1. Thanks for letting me play. You can come over when Sandra visits

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Somehow I deleted rather than replied.....oops!

  10. Love the way you described Sandra Bullock as realizing 30 years later that we're super cool. Oh and that dude you want in your kitchen? I don't know him but he's YUMMY. Awesome post, Kerri! Oh and now I have to google Jeff Dunham because I don't know who he is either. I must live under a rock.

    1. Def google dunham and Sandra would totally realize she was now at the cool table oogling Curtis! And wouldn't Oprahs BFF totally set us up first class?

  11. Kerri - You really are a sharing person, aren't you? That was so nice to everyone. Btw, when you're done with Sandra Bullock, send her my direction. My wife would love to meet her. lol

    1. It's so nice that you would suffer having Sandra over for your wife :)

  12. hell! with the aforementioned guest list, I'll sign on as staff for the Caterer at this party!

    ("Canapés? madam? yes, I believe the bad *does* say, Chateau de Sam's Club.. no... I don't mind! yes I am certain I saw them all heading to the garage")

    fun post

  13. lol. you know, i was always a mark fan, then blue bloods happened and i have fully converted to the donnie team. which i always find amusing b/c i was totally in love with joey back in my nkotb days!

  14. Curtis Stone - yeah! Why has he never approached me at the grocery store? I would have brought him home and let him make me dinner. No problem! ;)


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