
Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh my aching back

There is nothing like a weekend stuck inside due to crap weather to get you over a pity party. (And I fully admit that last week's post was a pity party of epic proportions)

With the cold, damp weather the girls, crazy pup and I were basically stuck inside. Husband, of course (!) was on duty so I had to get creative. We made brownies, played bubbles and walked the carriage. Boo kept throwing the baby on the floor!

 Then the girls and pup decided to play hop on mom. Well, that quickly got out of control. So when the energy just got too pent up....couch volleyball was created.

(note to self, take socks off before diving for the ball on the hardwood floor).

 While Allie and I were competing in the couch volleyball Olympics, Boo was moving all of my kitchen chairs into her room (I guess she got bored of pushing the empty carriage).

Crazy pup hid under the table. Thank goodness they go back to school this morning. Last night to relieve my aching back, I did some aerobics. I put the directions below if anyone else would like to try!



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