
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Am I on the only one.....

Am I the only one perturbed by the underwhelming coverage of the 2012 Paralympics? Not only did our athletes not receive the daily medal accolades on the evening news, the closing ceremony wasn't even presented on the prime time networks!

For the US Team, 20 of the athletes were veterans. Some of them wounded in Iraq & Afghanistan! Like this great man, Navy Lt. Brad Snyder. Lt. Snyder lost his sight when he stepped on an improvised explosive device while on duty in Afghanistan. One YEAR ago. Last week he won a second gold medal at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Click "like" to thank him for his service with the Navy and cheer him on with his new Team USA. His story with videos:

Lt. Snyder (taken from US ParaOlympics Facebook page)
Personally, I think his military record is more impressive. And further, I believe his Olympic record is more impressive than any able-bodied Olympian. Not to take anything away from Keri Walsh & Misty May, but these game have something called murder ball. In this game they have technicians to re-weld the athletes wheelchairs!

Murder ball
 The great news is, that although the Games did not get a lot of play in the US media, they did break all the records. Over $70 MILLION in ticket sales with over 2.7 attendees. Including the Royal Family. Read more about the games here: CBS Coverage

I want to say THANK YOU to all of our Olympians for doing their respective countries proud. You are the true champions!


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