
Thursday, September 11, 2014


When 9/11 happened I remember turning to someone and saying in 10 years I do not want anyone to forget this moment when we were brought to our knees and then stood tall together.

Man, woman and child. 

Christian, Atheist, Jew and Muslim. 

Straight, Gay, Bi and Trans

Today I ask that you to remember that day when we all stood together and said we are One.

Remember where you were that day when the Towers fell. When the Field burned and the Pentagon was destroyed.

Remember those who gave their lives on that September morning.

Remember the families left behind that day.

Remember those who continue to stand for what matters. 

Remember those who fought for our freedoms.

Remember those who run into burning buildings while others run out.

Remember those who keep us safe in our neighborhoods.

Remember those who keep us safe in our world.

Remember that day when the world stopped turning and we realized what matters most.


  1. I don't think I will ever forget this day and can still remember the look on my college professor's face when one of the other students him that the Twin Towers had been attacked. Just one of those memories that says with you and never really goes away.


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