
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Land that the Internet Forgot

You might have noticed I've been, ahem, quiet the past week or so. I had a very good reason. I visited a place where the internet hasn't been invented yet. It's the best vacation ever. 
Every year we take the girls (and Bailey) to the mountains of Vermont with 20 or so friends. It was great. It was filled with the sound of laughter. And because I am not an idiot, it was also filled with the sound of Sofia the First on Boo's IPAD. There wasn't internet but thank the Good Lord there was power.

And bathrooms. And showers. 

There was also seven days filled with friends, freedom for Abby, river rafting, hiking and just getting away from it all. This was our morning view. As in roll over, open eyes and see paradise.

There was also a husband and nephew who decided to go kayaking in the very LATE afternoon. Of course not having any cell service meant no one could check in and let me know that the river was a tad longer than expected and they would not be meeting us at the designated spot/time. Thankfully I did not need to find service and call David's sister to inform her that I lost her favorite brother and son (who may or may not be her favorite depending on the day). Both boys were returned before the search party was created with hilarious stories of their adventure.
Bailey: Bye Dad, hope to maybe see you again
When you camp with 20 of your closest friends and there is only one child Abby's age who happens to be her favorite friend, you make her summer. She and her friend were allowed to travel between camper #1 through camper #20 as long as they checked in. We heard, as she ran past: going to Mrs. George, going to Mrs. Black, Going to E's Nana, Going to HERE. For one week Abby gets to have fun, not have to include her sister and experience being a kid of the 70's when you were outside all day and every person in the neighborhood was responsible for you. No TV, no electronics just fresh air, rafting, playing in the river and being a kid. 

Boo is included not because of an IEP but because she is adored. There was also ice cream, fireworks, the best community dinners and enough laughter to wish next year could come faster than Christmas.

We hiked a waterfall. Well, we hiked. Boo had to be carried for 5 of the 6 miles as the terrain was a little unsteady for her. The last mile home she hit the flat ground running and I wished she would let me carry her again.

The reason, though, that this is the vacation I look forward to every year is that this is the one week where we are together. No distractions. No fire radio going off at all hours of the night pulling David away from his family. No Words with Friends pulling me away (okay, his is more important). There was no fighting over bedtimes, eat your dinner or practice your flute struggles. There were no therapy appointments, doctor appointments or similar tortures for Boo. 

For this one week we are a family off the grid surrounded by our friends enjoying the same experience.We are, for six too short days, a normal family. 

It was so hard to come home. It was harder to go back to work and stop being mom for 40 hours a week. I miss my girls. The minute we came home I found myself on e-mail, David turned up the fire radio, Abby had to be reminded to practice her flute and Boo returned to her appointments. 

Of course we have to return to the real world. As difficult as it is some days. Our vacation week reminded me that we have to remember to unplug less often and plug into our family more.


  1. What an amazing vacation, you! I want a vacation like that and friends like you have! How cool and perfect!

  2. Aww, sounded like a wonderful vacation and so glad you all got to do this and get away from it all even if just for a bit :)

  3. You nailed it, and gave me chills: "We are, for six too short days, a normal family." Yes. That's why I go on the road trip each summer with the kids. Exactly.

    1. Thank you, Allison. That was what made the week so wonderful. Just to be normal. Without therapies, doctors and the odd looks you get from people who see you out of your home and don't get it. To go away with friends (all of who typical kids) that just accept Boo for who she is? It made the week that much more incredible.

  4. That sounds amazing, Kerri! So glad that you had a good time and enjoyed a lot of quality time with your family! xo

  5. It looks so beautiful and relaxing! Thank you for sharing your lovely vacation with us! :-)

  6. What a great week! I hate coming home from a vacation, too. It almost convinces me that those mountain men or houseboat people may be onto something. :)

  7. Looks perfect. I am currently in back from holiday reality blues- blah!


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