
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sometimes Mom is wrong

About a year ago I decided to take up running. Not to be running from a serial killer but in an attempt to gain some better looking legs and mental clarity. While I have not gained either, I had really begun to enjoy running. 

Thanks to Boo's therapists, I discovered the Obstacle 5Ks. My mother thought I was nuts. Didn't I remember that I trip on flat pavement? I do fall, often. However the team work and camaraderie at the races are beyond anything you can image.  They became addicting. I have since done four obstacle races and have two more this fall.

I even got David, my nephew and his girlfriend addicted. Over the weekend we ran the Renegade Playground. After four months on the waiting list, this was the first race I was running for my buddy

There was mud. A lot of mud. For a girl who really doesn't like to get dirty can I say it was the more fun than you can imagine? 

Plus there were balance beams. 

I survived the entire race without a boo-boo. Not one scratch, bruise or concussion. Our team finished in 53 minutes, leaving no one behind. I even managed to survive the four foot walls.

 It wasn't until Sunday that I was in pain. Not from doing the run. From doing dishes. I managed to slice my thumb open.  I ended up in the ER getting six stitches. And there was absolutely no wine involved.

This is what happens when you recycle. Here I was being a good person, cleaning out the soup can before it went to the recycling. I end up getting stitches. In the ER for three hours with a $90 copay. That equals out to $15 a stitch.    

Sorry mom, but you were wrong. I was perfectly fine and undamaged doing the obstacle races. My next race is Sept 6th. I'm not doing any household chores the week before I want to be healthy for the race.


  1. I totally just sliced my ring finger open on Saturday with my regular kitchen scissors cutting off a tag from the new toy we bought for the dog. Thankfully no stitches here, but still thought how incredibly crazy it was that after all these years of using scissors, I actually cut myself and this was a first for me. Hope your finger is better, but huge congrats on the race. You did awesome :)

  2. Ouch! I am also the queen of household injuries. Hope your finger heals quick and I agree with Janine, huge congrats on the race. It looks like a lot of fun.

  3. The race looks like so much fun!

    Your finger injury looks painful. Hope you will recover from it quickly! Take care!


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