
Monday, August 4, 2014

My Challenge: Janine

My Challenge: Trying to do it all during summer vacation

Sometimes in the blogosphere, you get to know other bloggers and mothers through their compassionate and inspirational writing.
This happened to me, when I got the chance last year to check out Kerri's blog.  I was hooked from the first post, I met and try my best to read and keep up with each of her blog posts about her life with both of her daughters.
As a fellow mom to girls, many times I can relate on some level or another. Other times, Kerri leaves me feeling truly humbled by all she has been through with being the mom to her extraordinary daughter, Bridget (Boo) and how far she has gotten Boo to come in her short life so far.  I have no doubt Kerri will keep on pushing the limits to help Boo overcome her undiagnosed diagnosis to become the absolute best Boo that she can possibly be.
For that alone, I feel like a bit of a fraud to complain and share my challenge here today, because for the most part I consider myself truly lucky to have all I have in my life with my husband, my two girls and a thriving blog and design company, too online.
That's right I work from home and for the most part it is just crazy here on any given day, but we just took the craziness to a new level by now being on summer vacation.  That is right I have two little girls 16 months apart under the age of 5 (my oldest doesn't turn 5 until July 17th).
Plus, as if that wasn't enough to keep my days jam packed full, we just got a brand spanking new golden retriever puppy only 2 weeks ago.
To say, my days are insane these past few weeks would be an understatement.  Not going to lie and sugarcoat it, I have found myself many days just in over my head.  I am just doing all I can to stay afloat.  
Somehow, I have gotten to all my recent requests, but will tell you I haven't sought out any new opportunities, as I am just trying to make sure all I have committed myself to indeed gets done.
My Challenge
Janine with her new pup
So, if I had to name one challenge right now, I would have to respond and say that it is working from home on summer vacation with my two daughters home with a new puppy to train, as well.
Yup, fun times here and definitely not quiet nor easy by any means, but still it is my life and just do the best I can right now.
Like many moms out there, Janine is trying to do it all. Going from being a teacher to a stay at home mom is challenging enough. But then starting an at-home business? Let alone trying to run your business from your home during summer vacation? And write a daily blog. YIKES. Thank you, Janine for your kind words and for letting other moms out there know we all struggle with trying to do it all. You can read more from Janine at Janine's Confessions of a Mommyholic and if you need assistance with website design visit her at J9 Designs

What's your challenge is a series that was inspired by a program I created at Abby's school. I am amazed at how honest and hopeful the challenges have been. Thank you to all who have contributed. To submit your challenge, please e-mail me at


  1. Thanks you so much Kerri again for asking me to be a part of your wonderful series and truly so proud and honored to be here today!!! :)

  2. Janine, it has been a challenge for me as well. We've had family here all summer (they just left yesterday) and I felt guilty every moment I was working. Now we've got some family stuff coming up with my side and more with his side later this month. Don't get me wrong, it is so nice to be able to spend time with family, but I feel guilt either way, and overwhelmed by all I am not getting done. I think I need to learn how to relax and just let things go, but that is not my nature.

    1. Michelle, not my nature either and I admit as much as I love and adore spending time with our family, I too get overwhelmed and have trouble relaxing, too. I am trying, but still I find myself totally getting stressed out many times, too here. So, totally get it and think we are very similar in our personalities, too.

  3. Janine, it does sound like you have a full plate, but I also know that you're very capable! So no doubt you're busy, but you're managing :)

    1. Thank you for your vote of confidence in me Alison. I admit am I trying my best to manage daily, but still have my days where I feel like I am barely staying afloat, too. But still just keep trying and think you could totally relate, as well.

  4. Thanks for sharing a little bit of yourself today Janine and the struggles you face. You do an amazing job!

    1. Thank you Shari for thinking I go an amazing job, like I just said to Alison I just try my best, but somedays not always so sure.

  5. Right there with ya Janine!!! I have to confess that the boys are in "camp" M/W/F mornings but you all know what you can get done in 4 hours, right? Almost nothing!! Keep up the good fight girl! We're all in this together!!

  6. Aww, thanks Allie, I am jealous of those 4 hours, but I do remember pre-school what I pretty much didn't get done in 2 1/2 hours, so you are totally right and yes get it completely.

  7. What a great challenge! Summer is hard and I can totally relate. No new puppy in our house, but the baby is much like a new puppy.... We just started school and I really miss the kids even though it was crazy and insane!

    1. Jen, you are a few weeks ahead, but will be honest as crazy as it is here, I know I am going to miss the kids when they go back to school And puppies and babies are indeed very similar.

  8. I can so completely relate to this - especially today. I was supposed to have an early work meeting this morning, so my husband went to work last night (until 2am) so that he could be here until the sitter came at 8:30. Well the sitter texted at 1:30 am saying she doesn't feel well so Tucker and I totally could have slept in, but of course I didn't see the text until 6am after I was already up. Anyway then, a neighbor of ours asked if our sitter could watch both their kid and Tucker. Since we have no sitter, I ended up watching them both and really it's just amazing they're both uninjured, so no way any work was happening as well. I can't imagine adding a puppy in the mix. As much as I want a puppy. Or a baby. ;)
    Great contribution to the Challenge series, Janine!!!

    1. Aww, thanks Kristi and your day sounds about similar to mine. I had a follow up dental appointment to check my gums today and my SIL needed us to watch her 11 month old baby and my nice and nephew who she has been watching this summer, too. So, trust me crazy times here today, as well and we could totally shake hands on this and so much more!! :)

  9. Hey! I have enjoyed reading about schedules from you and Ana today. I can definitely see how summer vacation can throw a wrench in a schedule you probably had so organized with the puppy and the girls being home more often. Puppies are work to train...thankfully, most things in life only last for a season. One day the puppy will be trained and the girls will be back in school and you will be able to say: yes! I got through it! Great read, Janine! :)

    1. Thanks Brittnei and got to be honest can't wait to say I did it and got through it!! :)

  10. Janine,

    It is such a challenge for me to get everything done including blogging with 4 of my kids from 12 to 22 constantly distracting me and wanting something. I feel so guilty when I am working. I know they will not be around long and I feel like I should be spending most of my time enjoying the days with them.
    Diane Roark

    1. Diane, I truly know exactly what you are saying here and believe me my guilt level is high enough and try my best to schedule work around everyone's schedule right now, but just so crazy indeed. Thank you for letting me know that you are in a similar boat and totally get it, too.

  11. Ah Janine!!! You KNOW I get this... oh how I get this so much!! I am constantly amazed at how well YOU juggle it all... with two little ones AND a pup!!! I seriously don't know how you do it all..

    One thing's for sure- you are a LIGHT that radiates everywhere. And everyone who knows you get to bask in your illumination. I believe that makes all your hard work worth it, my dear friend.

    Keep on... keeping on!!! You are doing an INCREDIBLE job with your challenge!!!!

    1. Oh my goodness, Chris you totally made me blush here and not even sure what to say, except huge thank you so very much and love and adore you always my friend!! :)

  12. Oh, GIRL!! I SO SO feel you! I honestly think summer is so hard for this reason. Ashley and I totally re-organize the way we do all of our work for the summer because it's so stressful. It's hard to juggle all of these commitments, but you are doing a fabulous job! Your blog is throw the BEST birthday parties for your girls, you are a fantastic and loving wife. You are getting it all done! YOU ROCK! --Lisa

    1. Thank you a ton Lisa and I love how you both have re-organized this past summer and may have to take a page from your book for the next summer now! You ladies both rock, too and again thank you, thank you, thank you always!! :)

  13. I think it is such a challenge to pack it all in in one day!! Especially when the kids are home, under foot. Then to add a puppy!!! Wow!!! What a beautiful series thank you for introducing me to Undiagnosed But Okay. Love you! xo

    1. So true Kathy and was so happy to be able to be here today!! :)

  14. Trying to do it all is always a challenge and a weakness. At times, we don't want to admit that we can't do it all. At least, I know I do!

    1. Echo, so true and trust me I truly don't know how to say know many times, but I am learning slowly now!

  15. Janine, I don't know how you do all that you do with blogging and still keep up with your job plus all the fun stuff with the girls (and the new puppy). You make it look so easy!!!

    1. Kim, I truly am sinking many days and just do whatever I can to stay afloat. I wish I could say otherwise, but seriously here I am sitting on the computer at 9 pm after having a crazy day including a dental appointment checking my gums for almost 2 hours plus a kiddie birthday party for one of Emma's friends this evening, too. I am so beat but just somehow keep going, because I know tomorrow more will still be waiting.

  16. I think we have a similar challenge! Although mine is a bit different because my anxiety is my biggest challenge, and that affects how I juggle my life.
    And with my job, home life, marriage, kids, puppy, kittens, it is NUTS. I don't turn down photography jobs, but lately I've had to say no to blogging stuff. Nothing paid, though! So.. maybe I'm just worth more than I thought!

    1. Tamara, I too have had to turn down some unpaid stuff as well and am also in the process of deciding what is worth doing and what isn't. Like you said though nothing paid of course, but still just can't do it all. I am not really anxious though just a bit stressed out more then usual I suppose.

  17. Thanks Dana and I think you are so right I do need a break, but I have the dog all day sometimes not going to lie she is Kevin's when he comes home and I just take off for our room for even 10 minutes of peace and quiet. It isn't much, but hey the quiet is definitely appreciated!

  18. Wonderfully written article and it speaks to all of us. You are doing a fabulous job and setting such a great example; thank you. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

    1. Thank you so much Carrie and truly appreciate your kind words and support, too :)

  19. I feel for you Janine. No one wants a dog but me. So I'm not getting one. Because that would mean the dog would be ALL my responsibility as if it wouldn't be already, no pups here. I'd puppysit if we lived close. See what you can take a break from - over your head is too close having a meltdown. I agree with Dana, long walks with the dog would be great - just the two of you. And cheers - not too much longer before school starts.

    1. Kenya, I was so on the fence for a puppy for so long and Kevin and the girls finally wore me down. Don't get me wrong, I love her so, but still definitely a lot of work and as much as Kevin does help when he comes home from work and is home on the weekend, she is all mine all week long for 8 hours at a time on top of my two girls and working from home. So, yes craziness isn't even the word to begin to explain this, but still is definitely that and then some. Thank you though and I hate to rush the summer, but you are right about that at the very least taking a bit of chaotic-ness of trying to entertain my girls and keep up with the puppy, too.

  20. Oh yes, a puppy + 2 young kids + trying to run a business sounds VERY challenging! Do you sleep?!?!? Life is busy but we are happy living it, right? That's all that matters.

    1. We are totally happy living it and I do sleep, but never enough I suppose anymore, Lisa!

  21. Janine, so many of us can relate to the chaotic lives of raising young kids, especially during a summer vacation - pass the valium, right? And the puppy? That alone would be a challenge...however, the good news is that puppy will be trained in no time AND you can leave her home alone (unlike your young girls) so it will get case you couldn't tell, I LOVE dogs btw!! :)

    1. I totally knew that Emily and seriously huge thank you for reminding me that, because I seriously needed to hear that after the last two months or so!! :)

  22. Summer is always a challenge with kids. I work from home as well, but my kids are in daycare or camp for most of the day. I don't know what I'd do if I had them home with me the whole time! And puppies? Well, that just adds a whole new challenge (at least they are cute!).

  23. I feel for you hun! Life is just so crazy with the girls during the summer. You seem to be handling it very well. I couldn't tell on this end! :)


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