
Thursday, July 24, 2014

TBT--The Perfect Day

Welcome to my version of Throw-Back Thursday, blog style. I'm taking Thursdays to revisit some older posts.  I hope you enjoy the trip back in time.

(Originally published 24-JUL-2012)

Yesterday I took the day off. Completely off. No work, no housework, nothing but spending the day with Abby. 

First we dropped Boo off at her school. Then....

We went to Dunkin Donuts and discovered the joy of the new Oreo donut. We went shopping. When offered the choice between doing our nails or going to a playground she chose the playground. We went to lunch, her choice where she could make our own pizza.

I was told I was the best mom ever (I am writing it down to remember when she is 16). I was told that we 'have the most fun together' (I am saving this for the college years). 

Then I was told something was missing. I'm biting my tongue to not tell her to be selfish when she says:

The only thing missing was Boo.

So we went to get Boo from school and finished the perfect day.


  1. Definitely did look like the perfect day and I must admit it is nice to take the day off and do stuff like this with my girls, too. Need to do this again real soon now :)

  2. Aww, that is sweet. I am positive that Eric would NEVER say that about Luke! lol He is counting the days until Luke goes away to camp. :-/

  3. Lovely. Thank you for re-posting this!


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