
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Therapy with love

Every month we have "workshops" at Boo's school. It is a time when we get to be at her school for an afternoon and observe her various programs. All of her therapists are there, along with the head of her program. We find it a very rewarding, if sometimes heartbreaking, experience.

It is an opportunity for us to ask questions. To provide input on what is happening at home and seek advice. We are able to see the techniques corrected by the head of the program and adapted in ways to promote Boo's best chance for success.
Success, though, is hard fought. The yesterday afternoon Boo refused to do her program. It was simple really, she just had to answer a question. 

For whatever Boo reason there is, she refused. Simply refused to comply. David arrived at pick-up, her tortured therapist explained that Boo wasn't being compliant. The first time for this particular therapist. David couldn't wait, Boo had after school therapy. According to him, he put her in the car. Asked her the question and not only did she reply...

She replied with a grin. Repeated herself just to make sure David heard her.

Round one: Boo

Today I drop Boo off to her integrated preschool and am stopped at the door. Instead of going into school she is taken to her SPED program where they will repeat the program until she complies.

I try to understand it. That they cannot let her 'win'. That this is important because it will matter one day that she answers a question when asked. For her safety she must comply. It is not acceptable to not respond to a teacher, a policeman, me. Boo must begin to understand that it is not up to her.

I wouldn't put up with it with Abby, for example. If a teacher asked Abby her name and she refused I wouldn't say, just let her go play. I would hold the teacher and Abby accountable.

But it's Boo.

Part of me is proud of her stubbornness. Even as it frustrates me. Her stubbornness has given her the determination to roll over, sit up, walk and run. Her stubbornness has allowed her to become a verbal child, overcome her fear of sand and open doors that should have remained closed.

I'm also overjoyed that this behavior is happening at school. I always feel like a hypochondriac when I attend workshop and say Boo is exhibiting a behavior that she never repeats for them. It makes me happy to know that she is feeling comfortable to let loose at school.

Boo went to the SPED classroom with her therapist. I went to work worried. Both for the therapist and for Boo. 

Eventually Boo complied with what her team was asking her to do. It took almost an hour an a half, but she did it. Boo never understands that it hurts her therapist when she is being stubborn. That at five years old she has the power to break our hearts because we want to play, we want to be at Boo's speed.

But for her safety we cannot give in. The ABA therapy works well for Boo. As long as it is administered with love and patience.

Round two: Therapist

When I picked Boo up from school she was the happy little girl we know and love. She hugged her therapist good bye. For the rest of the afternoon she repeated the phrase they wanted over and over again, without prompting.

Proving once again she is the stubborn girl we know and love. Doing things in her own time.

Round three: Boo

I'm sorry to all her team that Boo was challenging today. Thank you for loving her through it.

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