
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The joy of language

Boo gives me a lot of atypical milestones, moments, frustrations and joys. Every once in a while, though Boo gives me that typical parent moment when I realize even special children are typical in ways never imagined.

Boo has worked so very hard to obtain language. She has been in speech therapy since she was in two years old. Her therapists have never given up on her. They have persevered, coming up with new techniques, scaling things back or pushing her forward as warranted. 

Like most parents the first time you hear your child babble on the baby monitor you lay there and smile, rejoice and wonder what the heck they are saying.

When you go to their room in the morning and they greet you like you just missed the best dream ever your heart warms.

And if you are a normal parent by 7 pm you just wish they would stop talking. When you tire of trying to decipher what they are trying to tell you. Even as they crack you up.

I live for these typical moments. The moments that most parents, to some extent, gets to witness. The babble, the random words and the expressions. Things five years ago I never imagined.

Even as my ears ring.

A special thank you to Boo's numerous therapists for giving me these moments.

And yes, Boo is still wearing her Halloween pajamas. And yes, I know it is May. Don't judge.  

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