
Monday, May 26, 2014

My DIY guide

I am not a do-it-yourself type of gal. I semi-joke that is why I am married: I don't have to kill bugs and I don't have to do projects around the house. The bloom fell off that rose very quickly and I now kill bugs. However I have successfully managed to avoid any home projects since the time I picked up a power drill and missed the wall...

One of my few skills, though, is hosting Ladies Night In. A night where there are just three rules:

1. Everyone bring something to drink
2. Everyone bring something to eat
3. Everyone leave their husbands at home (kids, though, are welcome)

As I, ahem, get older I am learning to value my friends more. I need them to be a part of my life more than I need that treasured M&M. With Boo it is impossible for me to be as there for them as they are for me. Ladies Night In solves that. It keeps us close, keeps it low-key (and cost!) and allows me to catch up with those whom I enjoy.

Total Ladies: 23
Total Children: 12
Total Cost: Not important (but for me, less than $15)
First guest arrived: 5:30 pm
Last guest standing: 11:45 pm

The DIY trick is to mix it up. Stop yourself from just inviting a core group of friends. This weekend we mixed it with Boo's therapy team, friends from high school, friends from the neighborhood, PTA, friends from the therapy waiting room, etc...not everyone knew one another. The stories were, for sure rehashed, but re-enjoyed as we laughed and got to know one another. By the end of the night people who had never met were sharing parent survival tips, workplace stories and sangria. By the way, the sangria was fabulous!

The kids? Heck they had a blast. The only rule for them was no food in the bedrooms and no kids inside the fire pit. Yeah, that sounds like a no-brainer but these are kids I am talking about. You know what? Not one kid fought. I don't even think one child came and told on another child for a perceived wrong-doing. Every child from 4 to 12 got along and played. The ladies were having so much fun, we kind of (but not really) forgot the kids were there. 

The food was delicious. My kitchen was in shock with all the healthy fruits and veggies that were brought. I am still wondering what the heck hummas is and thanking God that someone brought brownies so I knew it was still my house. 

As they were leaving kids were asking when the next Ladies Night In was and trying to plan one on their own. Even the token boy-child had fun and said his brother missed out on the best night of the year. 

The next morning I met one of my friends from Ladies Night for our first 5k of the season. We both said it was so refreshing to see our neighbors who live next door yet we never seem to have time to do more than wave on the way to work. That we needed this, this time to just laugh and not worry and eat.

So this weekend, treat yourself to a DIY project you can actually enjoy. You do not have to do it as crazy-big as mine got (who knew everyone would RSVP yes and bring friends!). Invite a few ladies over, share some time just rehabbing your kitchen with laughter.

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