
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My choice so I am fooling around

About a year or so ago Jen Kehl introduced us to the Mix Tape. Today she has given me the choice to make any choice I want. As you know, there is nothing I want to do more with a mix tape than to mess with Jen. Since it is April Fool's Day that she made it YOUR CHOICE is just asking for trouble.

I thought the best way to handle this "choice" is to show how many ways that I have messed with Jen. But alas, I am only allowed to choose five. And Jen, since these are all previously posted I am making it easy on you. You just have to read the post and not listen to the songs.

The first time I ever did a mix tape I messed it up. Seriously not on purpose. But it became the start of a trend. Always sure I was using the right theme and well...not. I thought the theme was Stalker. But well it wasn't and Kristi called me out on it. But this is my favorite song from that week. Back then I was such an idiot not only did I not know how to post the link back to Jen's I didn't realize Blogger had a You Tube thing to post actual videos.

Jen was probably happy I couldn't figure out the link back. Then I made a mix tape for a friend....except I wasn't supposed to. 

After a while Jen friended me on Twitter so I would no longer miss the theme. I admit I kind of got creative. She asked for Dealer's Choice...I gave her gambling songs. I also gave her ABBA because you cannot get into trouble with ABBA.

Then for no reason I completely disregarded Jen's rules and made a mix-tape just for Jen. See Jen is this great Zen personality but like all of us she has moments of Holy Crap I cannot take on one more thing. Just to remind her and thank her for letting me play along this year....

Happy April Fool's everyone. I am glad to be your Foolish DJ

My Skewed View

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