
Friday, November 8, 2013

When I was little

When I was little I believed in fairy tales. I believed that if I could just find freaking Tinkerbelle I would be able to visit the Peter Pan and the lost boys in Neverland. They, of course, would let me be the first girl in the lost boys clubhouse.

I used to lay in bed every night imagining the adventures we would have. I would line up all my stuffed animals and have long in-depth conversations. I lived in my imagination and went to sleep sure I would wake up covered in fairy dust.

Then I became a teen and the dust slowly dissipated. As an adult that fairy dust all but disappeared.

Until I had Abby. Who I put to bed and say goodnight. Then once I leave the room, I listen as she sets up her dolls and stuffed animals and whispers to them about all the adventures they will be having tonight.

How would you finish a sentence that begins:

When I was little.....

Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic


  1. Awe, I was the same way as a little girl and now my girls are so the same way with their stuffed animals, so I loved reading this, because truly could relate!! :)

  2. I tried to comment earlier, but it didn't go through (so please excuse me if there's a duplicate :)). I used to have this dream, too! My son does the same with his stuffed animals, and has asked me how to get to Neverland (we need more money in that DisneyWorld fund!). I love it. Where is that darn fairy?! :)

  3. Oh, so sweet! I loved Peter Pan, too... Sigh...

  4. This is wonderful! I love that Abby is doing the same thing you did! <3

  5. I think Abby and Boo bring Neverland to your house. Just a thought ...

  6. Awwww, that's so cute!! Wish I was a fly on the wall listening to those adventures too. :)

  7. This is Scott. Do you remember when we were kids and we would have a parade of our old toys and stuffed animals on Christmas eve? That was fun!

  8. So wonderful to get to go back again, isn't it? Such a gift! Beautiful post, Kerri!

  9. Awww! I love that we did this such in the same way!!! You're so awesome.
    And NO I was not Sid. I was scared that if they found their bodies, that they'd come after me. Ach.

  10. I can see you as a fairy princess, awaiting some Prince Charming to rescue you from the Wicked Witch. Of course, Prince Charming never came and when the witch died, you took her place, but that's another story! lol (Smile, I'm just joking!) Abby is obviously a lot like you. Damn, do you think she'll start blogging, too??? Loved it!

  11. My eldest daughter is huge into imaginary play and make believe and princesses and fairy tales at the moment too - so I truly enjoy living all this through her again as well. It's a lot of fun. And agreed - standing outside the door hearing them chatter on as they organize their dolls and stuffies is all kinds or awesome :)

  12. I really do not remember much about anything from when I was little. I have pushed pretty much every memory of my childhood out of the way and can remember what I can recall from photos. I do remember that I always thought my stuffed toys were alive and felt bad for them when I had to put them in bags (still do that with the boys' toys) and that one day I would be a mommy. That dream, at least, came true. :)

  13. Aw, that's so sweet. When I was about five I watched Peter Pan - I think it was the one with Sandy Duncan - and that night I had a dream that I could fly. I hovered over my kindergarten class. I remember that dream so well. I REALLY wanted to be able to fly. That would be so cool.

  14. My sister was the exact same way, for me not so much. But the funny thing is now my sister's daughter does it too!


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