
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Leaves are tricky

I recently started running trails. It is safer than on the road. Less chance of getting run over. Less chance of old ladies tripping me on the sidewalk. The fall is so beautiful. Leaves are on the ground. Life is great.

I had a great run....


  1. lol I hate when those rocks jump up and get in your way!!!

  2. Hahahahaha!!! Nice illustrations. Hope your nose is ok. :)

  3. I probably would have tripped right from the get go, because I am a klutz from way back! But seriously think you are doing great and loved your drawing, too!

  4. Ha! Awesome drawings, my fabulous and clumsy friend! Sorry you tripped on that black rock/log thing. Dogs have the unfair advantage of having four legs. So when they stumble on one foot, they still have a tripod of support. Totally unfair.

    hahahaaha (I'm totally laughing with you, not at you).

  5. I see your are getting in touch with your artistic side! Cool!

  6. I'd laugh at you falling down, but I'm a person who trips over the contour lines which cartographers leave lying around all over the place.

    Very cool drawings - I love your leaves :D

  7. Your clumsiness just endears you to me, Kerri. As does your black cloud of pain and curse words over your face in the last picture. Oh wait, I think that's your hair.


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!