
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A word from Allie....

I wish some one had warned me that Fourth Grade came with so much homework.

Me too, Allie, me too.


  1. I'm not looking forward to that... at all. I barely had time to scrape together my son's Show and Tell stuff last night. Good luck to you both!

  2. Seriously, only pre-school here and I was shocked that they get homework every night and even weekends. And I was a former middle school teacher. I feel for Allie and trust me I think homework isn't a horrible thing, but for some reason the push is way more homework then kids are truly capable or wanting to do at such a young age. It really is such a shame that the people deciding the curriculum aren't in the actual classroom nor have ever taught. Just frustrates me and part of the reason I don't want to be responsible to be the teacher anymore. Sorry for the rant, but just upsets me so when I hear how much work is expected of young kids nowadays.

  3. Shall I warn you now that it only gets worse? One word for you...projects.

  4. Aww...I'm sorry Allie. :-( I have a lot of homework too (but I'm in college! It kind of bothers me that kids her age get so much homework!)!

  5. so not looking forward to three years from now!

  6. Ugh. homework. homework is yucky. Especially when mom can't figure it out.


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