
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When the Rain God's laugh (at your expense)

When you plan a vacation six-months in advance you know you may be taking a chance. You never know if there may be a birth, death, taxes, etc... When you plan a camping trip six-months in advance?

The Rain Gods chuckle.

Out loud.

Seriously they laugh harder than a virgin at a George Carlin concert if he was still alive. Wait, he might be one of those rain gods.

Can comedians become Gods? (and yes, I am secretly worried about God's thunderbolt right about now--Rich do something!)

Anyway back at the camp....In February we made our camping reservations. With the economy tanking the State Campground we usually go to gets booked in 12.5 seconds if you are not careful. Okay, probably not that fast but the past two years we have been out-booked by waiting until April to plan our vacation. This year we would be successful and not only camp but camp at our favorite site.

The day before we packed the camper to sun-filled skies. The morning we left it was 59 freaking degrees and drizzle. By the time we arrived at our camp site 8 hours later? It was a monsoon.

But we persevered. We set up the camper and immediately cracked the box of wine. Hey, I was roughing it.

Allie thought it was great (you cannot hike if the rain and mud is pushing you back down the mountain) until she realized she also could not go swimming or play in the waterfalls. However the Whoopie Pies we bought in town helped (yes, I gave my child Whoopie Pies for dinner).

Boo on the other hand had a more difficult time. It is hard when a child does not do well with sensory overload has to sit in a camper as the rain pours and pours down on top of the tin roof of a camper. Then the thunder started. And well...sleep isn't something a parent really needs.

The upside was we had a vehicle and cash. This is what I learned from three days in a camper with no electricity and a lot of rain:

Wet dogs really do smell.
I am willing to travel 3 hours in rain storm for lobster
The upside to a monsoon is that you do not have to cook over a fire pit
The downside no camp fire to drink by roast marshmallows
You can charge an IPAD in 3 hours while driving around looking for lobster
I do believe that the Chamber of Commerce pays off the weathermen for inaccurate forecasts.
Reading on my Kindle is a sure fire way for Allie to say, Mom can I play a game on your Kindle my IPOD died.
If you do get your Kindle back, you cannot read in a camper with two children, a dog and a husband who are "bored".
If needed you can spend 30 minutes hiding in the shower hitting the button that allows for a 20 second spray in the campground shower. (I recommend bringing the box of wine with you).
I am glad I decided that I want to parent like Mike and Carol after this trip and not before. PSA--do not put yourself in a situation sure to make you sound like Rosanne.
A husband can literally sleep through anything (no offense to the men out there. But you know I am right with this one.).
There are such things as mosquitos as big as my head.
Pack extra wine.

I know for sure that the Rain Gods laughed their thrones off at us as the sun came out just after we packed the camper to go home. And I laughed as I went to work on Monday morning and left David to clean the camper, the girls and the dog.



  1. The sun always does seem to show up when you're ready to leave. I remember a camping trip one long weekend where I spent 2 days sitting in a tent playing this dice game. This was before cell phones and we were so bored. I was happy that I'd brought a big bottle of Grand Marnier as well as beer with me. Alcohol always helps :)

    1. Especially with the dice game! Before kids we were tenting and this happened. Dice + alcohol saved our relationship :)

  2. Ugh. We're leaving in a few hours to go to the beach. It's pouring. Sigh. And yes, wet dogs really do stink. And thanks for the reminder to bring extra wine - do you think a 5liter box will be enough? I'm classy that way.

    1. Rain at the beach? that is so unfair. I think you might need two boxes.

  3. I'm not a big camping fan, but it sounds like it could be fun with a camper. I would make sure to pack extra wine if I ever go, though.

    1. With two little kids a camper is a must even a small one like ours. We did see a camper that looked like a Rock Star Tour bus though so there are varying degrees of comfort.

  4. Wow. Poor Boo! I bet the sensory overload was tough. Poor Kerri for lack of wine and excess of whine!

  5. Awwww sorry about the poor weather!! That's just unfair!


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