
Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Look

In Church, I learned to silence my family with the LOOK. All mothers obtain some variation of the look around the time your child is 2 years old. However, I was lucky to years of training with my husband.

You must understand, David loves nothing more than to make...well...inappropriate words and gestures during a service. For example:

At a wedding for a friend, I was a tad late arriving to the Church. I quietly got into the pew, knelt down next to David and he whispered in my ear:

"That Pope guy is drunk"
The poor man starts the vows and he sounded like the Priest in the Princess Bride.

Now, I know, the Priest most probably had a lisp. But when you are late and get told something and you have a problem with laughing at inappropriate moments (think funerals, weddings, etc) it is hard to contain the giggle.

I tried, I swear to cover it with a cough. Then friend behind and in front of me started shaking their shoulders by silently laughing at me. This of course made the giggles worse. The mother of the Bride sent me the LOOK of death and pointed to the video camera that happened to be right at the end of the pew I was sitting in.

Yup, that was me laughing during that solemn moment in your wedding. I continued the tradition by laughing through my own wedding.

Anyway at that moment I learned the LOOK. It has gotten stronger over the years as Allie began attending Church. It gets a lot more use when her dad is with us. I really do blame him for her poor manners. Because, well I'm an angel and they are spawns.

When Allie made her First Communion she was in the front pew talking to her friend. The LOOK is effective from across the Church. Until her father started doing the chair dance and pretending to eat cookies in the pew.

Each week it is an adventure to see who will get the LOOK first. Usually it is David. And then last month it happened. Boo got the LOOK. The Priest had just done something and at the top of her voice Boo proclaimed


It echoed. And proved that she is the only one immune to the LOOK when she snorted and gave her belly laugh. Which of course sent the other two spawns to egg her on. I really, really wish I had Kristi's talent to draw you a picture of the LOOK. But if I could draw, this is what it would look like, except with steam coming from my ears.

So what did you learn in Church? Join me at Finish that Sentence Friday!

Finish the Sentence Friday


  1. Loved, loved, loved your visual and will say this sounds like your husband is as much of a trouble maker in church a mine!! Seriously, I wrote my post to be humorous, but was totally about Kevin and something he does in church that he shouldn't either, lol!!

    1. What is it with them? :)But I would much rather David sleep....

  2. O no! But what a funny story! Yes, my boys know the LOOK quit well...

  3. Oh that is SO awesome! I actually laughed out loud at Boo's contribution! There is just something about church that gives me the giggles. Or maybe it's just the whole inappropriate laughter thing in general... Great post, Kerri!

    1. The ladies in the next pew were not amused. But the kids in front of her were!

  4. When my girls were guilty of something, they'd get the look, accompanied by a raised finger, insinuating, "That's One!" Another instance, and "That's Two." They never pushed for a Three! lol I probably would've laughed at my wedding, but I was still kind of drunk from my bachelor's party the night before. lol Good post!

    1. OOOOHHHHH The look and the finger. You rock

  5. LOVE the drawing babe...Isn't that look great and comes in handy? Now with a hubby who often acts like a kid I can understand the frustration of being the wife...but I would totally laugh at your hubby in church...LOL

    1. Thanks, Karen. And yes it is much easier to laugh at another husband than your own.

  6. I swear every time I'm at a wedding now I bite my cheek

  7. My mother had the LOOK too. She could pull that out at any time, anywhere.

    I have a LOOK too, but mine was from my teaching days. I could give the LOOK and see a 17 year old husky boy who was at least 6 inches taller than me nearly cower in fear--which is exactly how you want high schoolers to feel when they know that they need your class to graduate from high school. All about power, baby! :)

  8. When we were kids we used to go into the church, grab the bulletin to prove we were there and then hung out down town

  9. Oh my gosh... hilarious! I have been there with the inappropriate laughter. I have a hard time controlling the giggles. I really need to start perfecting my LOOK... it doesn't seem to be working these days. :)

  10. Had to laugh at Boo's OH COME ON! I just loaded my own post, and mine was a similar whistle when I was little. Gotta watch out for the acoustics in those places!!! ;)

  11. Kerri! Awesomely hilarious!!! I love that Boo said "OH COME ON!" - that's like huge capacity for comprehension right? You probably should have given her chocolate. ;)
    I'd have loved if you laughed at my wedding.
    And your picture ROCKS!

  12. ahem the LOOKS :)

    One funny story, kerri.


  13. OMG I can't stop laughing! You are hilarious! I love that Boo story too.

    And I can totally relate to laughing at inappropriate times! One time in church, someone messed up a lyric in one of the hymns, and I started to laugh and just couldn't stop, and then the shoulders of the people near me started to shake...I feel for you! Hahaha. Thanks for sharing.

  14. This is the funniest post I've read all week! I love your funny take on this prompt. Absolutely refreshing and unexpected. And, really, such a universal topic. We have all been there, because you are so right: There's something about those times when you aren't supposed to laugh that make it impossible not to. And the things that kids chime in about. They are usually right too. Church can be really boring! ;)


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!