
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thanks, we survived the week!

I think this is probably my favorite "hop" of the week. When Kristi, Joy and Lizzie remind me to look back at just this week and realize not only did we survive but it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Kind of like High School. No, wait, I just looked back and it still sucked. But it didn't suck as bad as I thought!

So this week I am very thankful for

10. Air conditioning. I think my hair is more thankful than I am. But when the temperature goes from 60 to 80 with 95% humidity I am very thankful to be living in a first-world country.

9. That the first of two new nieces were born. The other one is still freeloading off her mother. I got to hold new niece H Thursday evening. Proving that I can still rock a gassy newborn and that I have no desire at all to have another one of my own.

8. Dana has finally realized that I was serious and Allie will be spending her teenage years with her.

7. My parents came up this week to celebrate the birth of H. I also think mom did it so she could spend her birthday up here with her grandkids. But H was a great excuse!

6. Boo is back in school! Enough said

5. Kate who gave me a great idea about a blog post. No I am not spoiling the surprise, just come back on Monday. Oh and she also made me rethink my Facebook activity. So she should be thanked twice!

4. Bailey who provides Boo with a soft place to land.

3. That we had a couple of days at a friend's beach house. Sure it was torture for Boo. But there is nothing more relaxing than sitting on the porch and just watching the sun set over the water.

2. That Allie has had a fantastic week with her grandparents and pseudo-grandmother. All who have spoiled her rotten entertained her this week while everyone else was at school or work.

And the final thing this week that I am thankful for.....(insert drumroll please)

1. There are only 54 days left until Allie is back in school!


Ten Things of Thankful


  1. Hahaha so in love with your list! :-)

    I bet it was wonderful to hold a newborn again? It has been too long since I did that! Their smell is just heavenly!

    I am so curious about you blog post for Monday! What a cliffhanger to post something like this!

    Oh how I miss being at the beach! I decided to go to the beach next year, come what may!! I am serious about that.

    What boredom level has Allie reached already? Is it THAT bad? :-/


  2. beach house? Wow! I'm jealous! Sorry Boo didn't like it though. Probably made it less relaxing that it should have been...

  3. agree right at your first sentence

    I participate in 2 other blog hops, but this one is my 'favorite' for a number of reason, not simply the result of producing a 10 Grat List.

    reading of other's perspectives on situations, those that are common to us all and those not so common, plus the 2 dayedness of this hop... I think it allows for an entirely different experience (as far as bloghops go) especially the 'conversations' that develop.

    most 'hops', in my experience are one shot events (not bad in and of themselves) but usually there is no time or opportunity to go back and say, "oh! you thought I meant *that*? no, no I meant the opposite!"

    enjoyed your post

  4. Sounds like a very positive week! Yay to a beach house and relaxing on a porch x those are long summer Holidays, hope to enjoy them one day with you and your family when Coop gets us to be like the Griswalds ;) ( his fav movie right now) xx

  5. #10 - I couldn't agree more! My hair gets bigger and bigger the more humid it becomes. #9 - LOVE to hold babies. LOVE IT that I can do it now without wanting one (as if that ship hadn't already sailed years ago). #1 - 32 days until my son goes to college (insert tears of joy here - he's driving us all crazy).

    1. Can you believe it? Some days it's too soon, others, not soon enough!

  6. How nice to have a friend with a beach house. Those sunsets over the water are magical.

    There has been a baby boom around me lately, so I've gotten all sorts of baby-holding time. LOVE it. Your "freeloading off her mother" line made me smile. :)

  7. I love your list!! I love beach houses:)

  8. Your list is awesome. You are awesome. <3
    OMG 54 days. Tucker's in school part time but 8-noon is NOT the same. Sigh. Love that you got new baby snuggles this week. Sounds really nice to have had your parents there, too!


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!