
Sunday, June 23, 2013

This week I am thankful for

With the hurry, the worry and the well crap of the week it is nice to join Kristi and Joy in remembering that good things happen every week. Not that this was a bad week. Just a busy one where I got too caught up in juggling.

Here is this week's top-10 things Kerri is thankful for this week:

10. Kate for letting me know there were still Buffett tickets available. Although I had to pass, it was so awesome to hear from her.

9. The nephew and almost-niece that came down this weekend to visit.

8. Summer is officially here with our first fire of the season.

7. That Boo was in bed and her sneakers didn't end up in the fire pit.

6. I completed that 5k.  I did not come in last nor did I eat any bugs.

5. The friends that let us intrude on their family gatherings. (Oh we are so intruding on your upcoming vacation too)

4. That there are still 2 and a half days of school left before I have to figure out how to entertain the girls.

3. Tuukka Rask, without him the loss would have been much more embarrassing. I will be more thankful next week if we manage to win the Cup.

2. That Boo is having a language explosion. She is becoming much easier to understand, gaining words and feeling so much less frustration.

1. That it has been 2 months since my last Diet Coke and I am no longer feeling the effects of withdrawal!

What about you? Name one thing you are thankful for this week!

Ten Things of Thankful


  1. Hey dear!

    So you had a stressful week too, hm? Let's hope next week will be better! xoxo

    Your fire place is AWESOME!! Is this in your garden? Would love to have that, too!

    And yay for the 5K! You are my hero! How did it go?

    I applaud you for being Diet Coke-free!! Woo hoo! Such a good job!

    But the best part of it is no. 2!! So happy for Boo's language explosion!! This is huge!! I envy you a bit for that and I wish I could write the same. :-(

    Hugging you tightly, dear Kerri!

  2. That's brilliant - I take part in a similar linky - called Reasons to Be Cheerful - and this is a good reminder that I MUST do it again and soon.

    BTW Very exciting news about Boo's language, that will make such a difference :D

  3. You gave up diet coke two months ago? Wow. I'm in awe. And so very jealous of your firepit. Too awesome. You rock for completing the 5K and of course you know my very favorite is Boo's language explosion! It's so amazing when something clicks and BOOM - off they go. Congratulations, friend!

  4. I gave up Diet Coke for lent one year. It was the longest 40 days of my life! After my bilateral mastectomy last year, the first thing I asked for was a diet coke. My sister in law brought me a 2-liter bottle and a straw! Bottom line, I am VERY IMPRESSED with your 2 months without Diet Coke!

  5. Oh, how I love when those little toddler voices start emerging and forming more and more words. Besides the fact the way they say words is so adorable, life gets easier when they can actually say what they are thinking.
    Congrats on the 5k! I'm wondering if I'll ever do such a thing again.
    Here's to many more (shoeless) fires this summer!
    Thanks for linking up with us!


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