
Friday, June 7, 2013


Two of my best-blogging buddies , Kristi and Joy, are co-hosting a hop this weekend thought up by the Considerings. It is probably the easiest one you will participate in all week. Being thankful. Come up with 10, just 10, things you are thankful for this week.

1. My husband. I know, corny. But this week not only did he work overtime he made sure the house was stocked with wine. Oh he also stayed up until 12:20 AM with me to watch the Bruins game after my nephews and brother-in-laws went to bed and left me all alone to watch the game.

2. Everyone who is walking and/or donated to Boo's Brigade. We are walking this Sunday in the NSTAR Walk for Children's Hospital. So far we have raised almost $4,500 for the Hospital that saved Boo's life. All of my friends and family will be glad when the weekend is over and I stop asking them to participate.

3. Dana for agreeing to take Abby in during her teenage years where she will learn not to dress like a hooker. Oh and she will serve us beautiful drinks in her new kitchen. If you haven't checked out her blog you are missing a great part of your day. She has awards to prove it.

4. The Boston Bruins. I cannot believe how well they are playing, but they bring me such joy. And not because this is the only time of year my nephews text me 100 times a day. I hope they bring me joy tonight. I would be even more thankful.

5. The Our Land Series. A world where empathy and wonder reign. I just wish I had empathy for the jerk who made my friend Kerry sad.

6. That Boo has a fantastic aide that will be chaperoning her on a field trip next week. I just wish it didn't make me feel like the most horrible mom in the world for not taking the time off of work.

7. The friend's daughter who stopped by this week to pick something up and spent a half hour doing Allie's homework with her so I wouldn't be tortured,  have to make her cry do it for her.

8. Gelato. Yes, gelato. I hide it is the freezer from the children and husband. I was going to say wine but you already knew that, right?

9. My crafty sister-in-law who did not trust me with the T-shirts for this weekend's walk. I didn't even have to beg that hard for her to take over.

10. All of you who read this blog and leave such heartwarming, supportive and positive comments. I know, sappy again. But if I am really being thankful I have to thank those who make this life easier.


  1. Love all that you have to be thankful for and especially for #10, because I am totally thankful for all the wonderful bloggy friends I have made, including you!! :)

  2. Aww thankful for you tooooo! i think I am going to link up belatedly because I like this idea a lot!!

  3. Great list! Hope the walk goes wonderfully well this weekend. :)

  4. You have wonderful friends. One will take your teen daughter, and one helps with homework? Lucky duck. :)

    1. Yes, I am...of course Allie isn't a teen yet and Dana can still renege on...

  5. Love the picture of Boo. What a beautiful ginger! I jumped over and read the story of her birth and healthy history. I look forward to reading more soon!

    1. Sorry, that would be "health" history. IT WAS LATE WHEN I WROTE IT! LOOK, IT REALLY WAS! GAHHH! (How on earth did I navigate Captcha at 1 a.m. and get "health" wrong?!)

  6. hey! 'cellent Post for the inaugural 10 Thanks... nice list, not just what (to be grateful for) but who and

  7. New follower from the Things of Thankful link up. :)

    I think the "cheesy" thankful things are the best sometimes. Who cares if they are cheesy - they are the ones we couldn't live without! Great list. :)

    Lana, the Little Bitty Farmer

  8. Very nice list =)
    Wine is good.. lol

  9. Love these I think I am going to do this one also!

  10. What an awesome list! I especially love no. 2, 4 and 8 and I hope so much that I will be able to write something like 6 in September! xo

  11. Love your list Kerri! Lots to be thankful for! :)

  12. Ha! I figure this is only if that convent in Ecuador doesn't work out.

  13. Gelato...oooh yum! I can't remember when last I had that. I think when summer comes around to us again in November, I'm going to learn how to make ice-cream. That could be the reason why...most of our ice-cream in the shops suck. Or the good ones are too ridiculously expensive.Great things to be thankful for!

  14. this is wonderful. i think i need to make a thankful list everyday. maybe i'd be a nicer person!

  15. You are so wonderful. You know what I'm thankful for? Finding you in this huge blogging world. Thank you for being so amazing and a voice who gets it.
    Congratulations on Boo's Brigade! That's amazing and awesome. Wine. Yes. I don't have any empathy for the jerk who made Kerry sad, either. Jerk. He's a jerk. Meanie.
    Our Land - this land is made for you and me.
    I love your list. And you.

  16. And holy crap. THANK YOU for turning off that captcha thing.

  17. I love this idea! As a person who is dealing with a lot, it's great to stop and actually list the blessings. Thank you!

  18. Love this! One of these days, I want to try to participate. :) Beautiful words of thanks. I also very much appreciated you comments over at my blog the other day. Peace!


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