
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rocking it School House Style

Today I am joining Kristi and Jen in their quest to make us recall songs from before we could change the radio station. Oh, I also checked to make sure that I am on the correct week. No silly stalker mix-ups this week.

This week's Twisted Mix tape is brought to you by the 1970's. In the 70's the soundtrack of my life was whatever my mom was listening to on the radio.

Google images

The radio that had about 4 buttons and Heaven help you if you rounded a corner and tried to tune the station back in. FYI this was way back when kids were allowed to sit in the front seat and not allowed to fiddle with Mom's music. Kids are so spoiled today with their IPODs.

Google images

In the 70's my mom was in love with the Bee Gee's. So much that she got me my very own lunchbox. How can you mend a broken heart? Not by giving an elementary student a lunch box with three guys who may or may not have been balding. Thankfully mom also provided me with the Shaun Cassidy t-shirt and satin jacket.


Continuing on with my mom's taste of music. After we danced like John Travolta (no my dad did not have the suit) we practiced the Hustle. "Look here's a dance. So old it's new. 'Cause trash disco is the new 70's cool." DO THE HUSTLE. Seriously people we had the Deney Terrio magic feet in a neighbor's basement.

Before the age of MTV we poor children had the Solid Gold Dancers, American Bandstand and Soul train. For those young enough we had the true music that taught you about the USA. It was called...

Schoolhouse Rock

Yup, this is where we learned about how a bill becomes a law. Seriously before the Disney Channel this is how we spent our mornings. Sing along now: I'm just a bill, yes, I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill. Well it's a long, long journey to the capitol city. It's a long, long wait while I'm sitting in committee. But I know I'll be a law someday, at least I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill. 

Last but not least, in a homage to my mom, she also was in love with Barry Manilow. We had Mandy, Looks like we made it, Can't smile without you and the ever popular for the kitchen dance offs...the Copacabana!

Which when you think about it was really a strange song to be dancing to with your pre-teen. Her name was Lola, she was a show girl, with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there.

Course it was probably better than any song Brittany Spears has sung!

And that my friends is the soundtrack of the 70's Kerri Style. Tell the truth, you know the rest of the words to Copacabana don't you?

This torture was brought to you by the sisters of Twisted Mix Tuesday:

DJJENNYtyedye                     MCMomee-TuckTuck


  1. I used to love Schoolhouse Rock. Thanks to that I STILL remember the preamble to the Constitution. Thanks for the list with all the great 70's memories!

  2. ...and don't forget...Conjunction Junction!!

    I sometimes feel bad for the Bee Gees how their monster hit, 'Stayin Alive' is forever linked to the scene in Airplane in the bar in Drambuie!

  3. Sounds like your childhood was mine with one exception, while my mom WAS in love with Barry Manilow, I sought out all of the rest on my own :-) I was SO in love with Shaun Cassidy AND Leif Garret! Not to mention the Bay City Rollers. We still listen to School House Rock, my son knows every History Rock song by heart. And man... I still remember watching Rod Stewart sing Do Ya Think I'm Sexy on Solid Gold!

  4. I know I'm a bit of an outlier, but I love a lot of the music from the 70s! Maybe because it reminds me of a simpler time -- my childhood? I tune my satellite radio into the 70s station all the time and my kids always make fun of me.:)

  5. On tvland and the other channel, whatever it is, they plays the old seventies cartoons and schoolhouse rock. My kids laugh at them. But then I'll hear them humming the songs later in the day.


  6. I am now super sad I never had a satin jacket.

  7. You had a Shaun Cassidy shirt AND a satin jacket? Dude. I'm so jealous. Your mom was cool. I mean not only the jacket but a Bee Gees lunch box? Shesh, my mom sucked! And Gah to Brittany Spears. Except Womanizer. Because duh.
    And I love love love Can't Smile Without You. Reminds me of going to the Denver Broncos games with my uncle who would blast it in his crappy t-bird. Awesome.

  8. Wow!! Blast from the past! I had that Shaun Cassidy poster on my wall. And a t shirt with this picture on it. Sorry about the balding BeeGee's lunch box. lol Schoolhouse Rock is excellent. I have the CD and my kids love it too. I so remember Saturday mornings culminating in American Bandstand and Soul Train! ha! And the Copa! I saw him in concert with my mom and grandma. Par-tay!

  9. I totally forgot about Barry Manilow and his tropical pineapple costume! SO FUNNY! This is probably TMI but I used to watch Lawrence Welk...with my the 70's...yeah...I know...what a NERD right? Great Post!

  10. Hmm, my parents must have been dorks in the 70's. We were listening to Eddie Rabbit and Crystal Gayle.

    That jacket must have been SWEEEEET!

  11. My parents played the Bee Gees all the time when I was growing up! Love them still!

  12. So enjoyed your "Story." Very Nice... The Memories.

    Have a great week, Slu

  13. Thanks for a fun walk down Memory Lane. Yes, I remember those days when my parents forbid us to go to PG movies, screamed about "high" gas prices, and still thought Nixon was a great guy. LOL.

  14. My parents were actually really into the 80's. I remember my dad busting out "Material Girl" by Madonna when he thought we were sleeping.
    What a dork.


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