
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I did it!

After two weeks of "training" I did it. I managed to run a 5k and not be the last one across the finish line. My husband ran it with me. He did not train at all. Which makes me extremely jealous, as he never got out of breath.

The race started with motivation from the 19 year-old who organized the race to raise money for Crohn's Disease. Mackenzie is a cool kid who has battled Crohn's for the past three years. When she had to postpone starting college due to the disease instead of sitting back and feeling sorry for herself, she organized a 5k.

She is an inspiration for all children not to let illness, disease or hardship to defeat them. As she finished her speech she informed us that this was an "easy" 5k with just one hill. Oh, but it was a killer hill with a cemetery at the top if anyone couldn't make it!

With those words of wisdom we were off! I started off with the pack, that quickly left me behind. David (thankfully) believes in leaving no man behind so he slowed to my pace. My goal? Keep the 80 year-olds behind me and not come in last.

That hill? It was after the first half-mile. As I am struggling to breathe running up the hill, David says: I know a short-cut. NO! I am not cheating, I am running this damn hill. Boo, in the stroller, is yelling RUN. Now in his defense he did offer to take over pushing her. But I was making a point and have way too much pride to give up.

Although I did slow to a walk. As we crested the hill, David encourages me to start running, after all it's now down hill and we might be able to pass a couple of teenagers. We round the corner, Boo yelling 'fast' and me trying to breathe.

But we did it, we ran a 5k in under 38 minutes (okay, very close to 38, but it was under!).  There is rumor of a runner's high. When the adrenaline starts to flow and all is peace and harmony.

I never found it.

This is what went through my mind as I ran (thought because I didn't possess the energy to speak):

Boo really has to stop eating donuts and cookies
David knows way too many people in this town
What time does the Irish Pub open
The next time David jumps onto a staircase and shows off I hope he breaks his ankle
Crap, did I take a wrong turn
Boo screaming "I'm running" really isn't helping
Does that girl in front of me know her ass is hanging out of her shorts
Why didn't I know about the dress code for this race
Who can run in all that make-up
Boo please stop yelling FAST I'm doing the best I can
Where the hell is that runner's high
How can David NOT be out of breath yet
Am I supposed to be listening to his stories
If I finish this I am so getting a burger and a glass of wine

HOLY CRAP There is the finish line!

Phew I'm not the last one across and I didn't eat one bug


  1. That was great, Kerri! I am so proud of you! Thanks for giving me my morning chuckle, too. :-)

    1. I'm so glad that my pain brings you tears of laughter :)

  2. After only two weeks training! Incredible! I am so proud of you. You set your mind to something and you did it!

  3. You are such a champ! I admire you for doing that. I despise running and would never do it if I did not have to (say if I was chased by a dinosaur we could talk about it), let alone push a stroller with a (cute) child yelling to go faster on top of it!!

    I present you the gold medal for being the most awesome not runner for running a 5k under those circumstances! Yay!!

  4. Awesome- I am going to link to this post in my post today :)

  5. Hahaha!! Congratulations! And great job not eating any that normal in running? Yuck...

  6. Way to go! I am out of breath just reading about it. :) Me? The only way I am going to run [if not after my kids] is because someone is trying to kill me or a clown is after me; if it's a clown trying to kill me, I'll run faster than Forest Gump.

  7. Good job, lady!

    Next stop, 10K. :)

  8. OMG. Ha. Love love love it. I knew you could do it (Waterboy dude's voice). Seriously great job and you inspire me to (not) want to run (although I do want to) (not) and the inner dialogue was freaking awesome!! Love it. Congratulations, friend!!

  9. Congrats! Under 38 minutes with a stroller is pretty impressive if you ask me.


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