
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Opening Boo's backpack yesterday and I got the biggest invitation to a birthday party.


This is a huge milestone for Boo. In some ways I am so excited, a friend wants her at her birthday party. In truth everyone from the class is invited. That doesn't take away from the invite.

Boo has been included. She is a part of the class and her friends want her there. Now do Boo's parents?

YIKES the true answer is selfish. I worry that Boo will be overwhelmed (it is a local children's museum), that she will just sit and watch from my lap. I worry that I will have to be confronted (again) with the visual reminder that my Boo is their age but not their peer.

But this isn't about me. Boo was invited, she was included. Boo will be going to her first birthday party.


Update: Just got home to find that the day of the birthday party is a day when we have a family obligation. Upside Boo was going to go to the party. Downside, she will just have to wait a little longer. Bonus? She was included and that is all that matters.


  1. Yeah!

    Baby Steps, Kerri.

    She will be leading a "normal" life soon, my friend.

  2. I am so happy for you and for Boo!! Woo hoo for that! I can totally understand why it is such a big deal to you! Hugs, dear friend! xoxo

  3. Wow :)
    And I totally get the mixed feelings...

  4. Hope she has a great time! And that you don't find it too stressful. X

  5. I am smiling right there with you. Although our children's issues are not the same, I feel the same apprehension. He had his first invite for a kid from day care last December. I knew Thomas would be withdrawn, especially since there was a bounce house and he hates those things, and he was, but I am glad we went. We went to another birthday party last month. His brother was invited but Thomas was asked to come too (it was for a girl at church who is halfway between the boys' ages). It was at a bounce house place. It went as expected -- he stuck with me most of the time, and if he weren't with me, he was playing with balls with his brother or "playing" the arcade games. I was saddened to see him still being withdrawn after making some progress, but again, I am glad he went. At the rate we're going, he may be sociable at birthday parties by the time he's a teen!

  6. I think it's lovely :) A few kind teenagers with Downs Syndrome have invited my daughter to special parties in recent years and she has totally enjoyed them even though her differences to other special needs teens are now marked! I hope that Boo has a really fab time :D

  7. Awesome! I recall that same feeling and even had it more recently when my son was invited to some bar mitzvahs...again, these kids were not "good friends" but he was included/invited with the mass of other kids, and I still felt good about it. I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much about how the party will go. I've had children come to my boys' birthday parties and sit on the sidelines and not one thought anything of it. You and Boo will do great!!

  8. Oh totally awesome and so happy to hear this. Seriously, loved reading your excitement yet trepidations here, too. Seriously, Kerri you are such an amazing mother and hope you do know that Boo is where she is in part because of you. Hope she enjoys her first school party :) :)

  9. I am so happy for you guys! I hope she surprises you and that you both have an absolute blast! I know you'll let me know how it goes and I can't wait to hear all about it. YAY Boo!

  10. Woo hoo! I'm happy for you both. She's making strides.

  11. Oh, I love the p.s. last line! She will be included! You are such an awesome mom, Kerri! Really, you touch my heart with each post! Claire's birthday is coming up. I SO wish that you both could come to her party. We would be honored! :)

  12. Yay Boo!!!! Party Party Party! :) Sorry to hear family obligations had to come up :( Boo was going to a party!! Aww, I wish she could go (sad face like a little child that just found out she can't get candy). I know there will be other parties but I got really excited reading this post. Family comes first though. Update on any new invites!

  13. So bummed out that Boo can't go because of prior obligations, but you are right- she was included and thats the big deal!

  14. I'm sorry she won't be able to go to this bday party, but yay for being invited!


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