
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Who knew kids came with homework?

I never realized before having children, but apparently I approve of torture.

Based on the past week, I believe Allie will be applying for amnesty. Please tell me I am not the only parent out there that gets a certain amount of glee from knowing my child is suffering as much as I am through the homework process.

Last night after doing my own work at you know work, I came home to not only having to do housework (like feed the children) but also Allie's homework. Now if it is Allie's homework what does that have to do with me? Because if it has her name on it doesn't that put me off the hook?

Apparently not.

After a half hour of math facts, followed by something called Every Day Math (that isn't) I thought I was in the clear. But wait, there is more!

Me (asking innocently): Allie, what is this study sheet?
Allie: What?
Me: This sheet here about magnets. Do you have a test on it tomorrow?
Allie: What? My show is on.
Me: Allie get back in here.
Allie: But it a new Shake it Up.
Me: I don't care if it is a new....wait, when did you turn the TV on? Get back in here!
This was followed by an hour, no lie, of me quizzing Allie on magnets. Why an hour you ask?

Me: What surrounds a magnet?
Allie: Iron
Me: Try again
Allie: Air
Me (I swear trying NOT to loose my cool): One more try
Allie: Grass
Me: A magnetic field surrounds a magnet
Me: What surrounds a magnet?
Allie: Air

Husband: Well, in a way she is right

How exactly do teachers get through the day without wine?


  1. Okay I'm not laughing AT you but I'm laughing! This is too funny. "Wait when did you turn on the tv?" HA!
    And she is technically right that air surrounds a magnet. And you know what? I'm so glad you put the answer of a magnetic field here because as I was reading along, I was like huh? What do you mean "what surrounds a magnet?" :D

    1. Sure, you laugh now. But just you wait! At least I gave you the answer to Tuck's future homework!!!

  2. rofl! Love it Kerri! I also love the two comments left before mine because they are spot on as well! :-D

    1. Seriously, I may have rethought the whole pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood thing if I had known that birth was going to be easier than everyday math!

  3. I am glad I am not the only one with the oh so helpful peanut gallery. Why are they not the ones stuck with homework duty?

  4. haha, the teachers get through the day knowing how tortured all the poor parents will be!

    1. I have a friend that is a 4th grade teacher. she would probably agree :)

  5. I joke with my husband that we need to go back to school before our kids begin school so we will be able to help them with their homework. After reading this post, I *know* we will have to!

    1. You have no idea. It starts in, get this, FIRST grade. Our parents had it easy!!!

  6. Oh she is hilarious!!!! Spelling homework ever night makes me want to drink as I don't! ;) thankfully we are on 2 weeks holiday!

  7. OMG I almost spit my water all over my computer screen. Allie is hilarious!!

  8. Lol. Homework sucks. I finally had to introduce my 9 year old to the Google search engine. She's not allowed to bug me with parallelograms or fractions until she's tried on her own first.

  9. They don't. They keep the bottle of wine in the drawer!

  10. LOLOlOL! That is so funny! I could see my kids responding the same way. Hilarious!!! Love it!

  11. And I saw that you got stuck with my pin when you linked up. Sorry about that. :-( but it looks kind of good there. :-)

  12. mean iron doesn't surround magnets? Holy hanna! I learned something new today! :D

    I think teachers do it to gain brownie points with Karma. ;)


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