
Friday, April 5, 2013


It is time to join Lisa-Jo for 5-minute Friday. The time of day where you write for 5 minutes,unedited, just to show you can.  Today's prompt: After

Ready, set, go....

After I grow up I will do something meaningful.
After the kids go to bed I will relax.
After the husband goes to work I will clean the house.
After, after, after....

Why do we wait so long? I mean, I am the absolute worst at this! I put stuff off all the time. Not the important stuff, like taxes and work or family related. But "me" stuff. I am forever saying I will get a pedicure, when there is time. I will meet out for a girls night, after everything else is taken care of. I will read an adult book after I put the girls to bed.

Not that I don't enjoy my life. But there is so much I am putting off until AFTER I do this one thing....

So why do we always wait for AFTER? Why can't we live in the now! We put everything and everyone before ourselves, leaving our needs for after. After what? For after World Peace? For After our kids are grown (which sadly will come way before World Peace)?

I don't have the answer for this one, but maybe after work today I will....

Time's up!

Happy Friday everyone!

Be sure to link up at:

  Five Minute Friday


  1. Your "after" made me smile. I'm so glad I landed behind you at FMF...I never cease to be amazed at how many ways there are to bring a word to life. We shouldn't wait for what isn't promised, right? We should see all of our afters as the befores for something new?
    Peace and good to you,

  2. You are so right! Why do we keep putting ourselves last? I need to figure out a way to do things for me.

  3. This post made me feel good. I am glad I found you. I love your little red head. I am partial to them myself.

  4. You are speaking the TRUTH, my dear friend! But let me tell you one thing: It is really okay to take care of yourself from time to time! Don't let yourself fall behind too much! I know it is hard but just allow yourself the luxury of things just for you now and then. You need your strenght!

    Love and hugs!

  5. Awesome post, Kerri! Why DO we keep putting ourselves after? Well, sometimes I put myself first. Like this morning when Tucker got up and I told Robert to have fun because I was sleeping in. Still, I have a gift certificate for a massage that has been sitting on my desk for months. Also? Last time I got a haircut? Um. December maybe??


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!