
Thursday, January 10, 2013

I blame Boo for my failings

It is day 9 of the Diet Coke saga. Yes, I am counting. So far I have been a total failure, and I blame Boo. First she hasn't been sleeping well since the company left and school started back up. Second, while she did not get the flu she did get a cold. Which she then passed on to her loving, Diet Coke addict, sleep deprieved mother.

So I decided a wean was in order. Forget cold turkey, who can just stop doing something they love? And I love, LOVE, did I say LOVE, Diet Coke in a can. Not in a bottle, not by a fountain, not in any other form. (Okay, that could be a Sam-I-Am rhyme!). But I do not drink coffee or tea and need caffeine. So on Saturday I broke down and bought a 2-liter. Convincing myself that I would only drink it on the weekend and let coworkers deal with the sleep deprivation. I also drank the 2-liter over 2-days so there was none left over to take to work on Monday morning.

I've been too busy to go to the store to buy more, so far that mode of denial is working. It's Thursday and I've gone 4 entire days without slipping.

Although I could use a ice-cold can right now....


  1. Stay strong, Kerri! :-) You can do it!

    1. Thanks! I've now gone 32 hours with NO soda at all. So I am a little proud :)

  2. I'm not judging and I don't mean to sound preachy, but for what it's worth- one thing that has helped me give up bad foods is stopping first and telling myself that I want to live as long as possible for my loved ones and will eating or drinking this help me or harm me? Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't!! LOL!! They say that changing the way we think about food is key!

    1. You are not judging or preaching. I asked for advice, right? If I drank coffee/tea I don't think the withdrawal would be so bad. Or if my child slept :)


Thanks for stopping by and letting me know what you think!