
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dear Ann

Dear Ann,

May I call you Ann? I feel we can be informal since you feel so comfortable insulting my child. I mean, really, only family should be able to make us think that we are not good enough. On the other hand....

You, MS. COULTER, are not my family. You are not of my world, my life, my heart.

Because you, Ms. Coulter, from your bully pulpit are comfortable enough behind the camera. But have you ever had to face the affect of your insults and disparaging remarks? When you attack public figures, I usually give you some leeway. After all, they are grown-ups who have had to develop a thick skin in order to navigate life in the public eye.

But my child? My child, Ms. Coulter, does not and should not ever be the brunt of your pitiful attacks. Neither has her sister. A sister who knows that calling some one a retard is wrong but not why. You, Ms. Coulter, do not have to explain to your 9-year old that her sister is not retarded but intellectually disabled.

You see, Ms. Coulter, in your complete and utter ignorance, do not realize that when you call our President a retard (which by the way, should be treasonous no matter what your political leanings) you are not insulting him. You are, in fact, insulting the estimated 2.5 million US citizens you do not even acknowledge.

That is the sad truth, isn't it Ms. Coulter? You do not SEE those who are intellectually disabled. You only see your own agenda and how to get your name in the headlines. Doing it by insulting my daughter and others like her, that is heinous.   

I know the arguments for using the word retard. I have this discussion with friends and family members. I am from the generation where you could call some one "gay" but not mean homosexual. I am from the generation where retard was an insult you called your friends in a lighthearted manner.

But, unlike you, Ms. Coulter, I grew up. And unlike you, I am lucky to have an intellectually disabled child who only knows love. But some day, unfortunately she and her sister will come into contact with some one like you. I fear that day. I fear the day when some one looks at my daughter and sees a RETARD and not a beautiful girl. 

I ask you, Ms. Coulter to look at this face:

and tell her sister Allie that her beloved sister is retard. Because that is what you did when you thought you were insulting the President of the United States of America. 

From a mom who knows better,


  1. i agree its wrong for her to use the word retard because it is offensive. iv had to get onto 2 different co workers because they say retard and i tell them they are offending special needs parents. they dont agree but everytime they use the word i will get onto them. i use to say retard until i became a special needs parent and now i will not call anyone that ever again

  2. Boo is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter

  3. Dear Kerri, Very well stated. Kudos to you for seeing your child for what she is. A living human being like any other who deserves all the kindness and love life can bring her. Unfortunately I believe Ms.Coulter's blind allegiance to a political machine fueled by prejudice and hatred of anyone not like "them" has taken away any semblance of humanity. Being totally devoid of humanity she is unable to see her words for what they are, hate speech designed to inflame and incite the hate and racism that is so abundant among her followers and the GOP faithful.


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