
Thursday, September 13, 2012

This is what happens when you take the morning off for yourself!

I am not a pretty runner. Nor am I fast. I look like one of those cartoon figures huffing and puffing. I haven't run in about a year. Last year I ran for stress, and to make sure I didn't kick the neurosurgeon! I did a 5k and that was it.

This year I haven't run at all. And my thighs are showing it. So I figured if I had a goal that would get my butt out of bed in the morning. I downloaded the 1/2 marathon training schedule and today I set out on the first step.

And failed miserably. In my defense, I also had a dentist appointment and ran afterwards. With a mouth full of Novocaine. I chose a popular bike path because I am competitive and figured if there was some one watching me I wouldn't walk the 3miles. I didn't count on the heat and humidity of mid-morning or the fact that after having 2 cavities filled my face would be so numb that I would not be able to swallow the drool running down my face.

It wasn't pretty. At mile 1.5 I slowed down and took a sip of water. Which in my numbed state poured down the front of my shirt. At mile 2 I started walking. At mile 2.25 I got embarrassed because a teeny bopper with a blonde pony tail lapped me. She looked like an advertisement for hot pink spandex.

I slowed down to a crawl at mile 2.75 and walked the rest of the way. Face numb and lungs burning. Maybe a 1/2 marathon was too ambitious.

I know what you would say: Ya think? So I texted the always reliable Tia that maybe training for a 5k was a more reasonable goal. Always the supportive one, she didn't say YES YOU IDIOT. She is so kind, she said not to give up and a 5k was a great goal.

The day got so much better (insert sarcastic voice here). To reward myself I went to the supermarket to get some sushi (I know what you are thinking, sushi from a supermarket GROSS but the one by me does a fab job). I passed the nachos and thought my husband would like those. Reached up to the top shelf to get the Queso sauce and BAM!

Two glass jars of Tostidos Cheese Queso sauce fall onto my head and then onto the floor. On the upside they did not break until crashing to the floor. On the downside, my friend's teenage daughter had to clean up the mess. I don't think I can ask her to babysit again for quite some time.

I really should have just gone into work after the dentist rather than taking the day to myself.

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